Maureen McKade

Free Maureen McKade by A Dime Novel Hero

Book: Maureen McKade by A Dime Novel Hero Read Free Book Online
Authors: A Dime Novel Hero
brought a flash of jealousy that surprised him. He cleared his throat. “He’s the one you sold the
    A wistful expression shadowed her face. “That’s right. My heart was never in the newspaper business, much to my father’s disappointment.”
    “I thought you and your father got along fine,” Jake said.
    “As long as I did everything he said. He never really listened to me, Jake. When I tried to tell him about the other kids teasing me, he patted me on the head and said I was too emotional, just like my mother had been.
    “And when I used to help him set type, he’d say Iwas too slow or I didn’t spell the words right. He’d find fault with everything I did. He didn’t approve of me taking in strays, either, so I kept them hidden. That was the only time I defied Father.”
    Jake could empathize. He hadn’t been able to measure up to his father’s expectations, either. He glanced down at Johnny, standing beside him; at least the boy wouldn’t have to impress a father.
    “You should’ve told me, Kit,” Jake said.
    She shook her head, a sad smile playing across her lips. “There was nothing you could’ve done. The only thing that would’ve made it better was if I’d been born a boy.”
    “I’m glad you weren’t,” Jake said, his gaze straying across her full breasts and down to her hips. Kit blushed.
    Jake turned to Johnny. “Ready for your first riding lesson?”
    Johnny jumped up and down, startling Satan. “Yep.”
    Kit ran her hand down Satan’s neck to calm him. “Are you sure you don’t mind, Jake?”
    “I’ve been looking forward to it,” he said honestly.
    She scratched the stallion’s forehead, a frown marring her face. After a few moments, she looked at Jake. “Treasure’s our gentlest horse.”
    Jake read the concern in her eyes, and leaned close to her, speaking in a voice low enough that Johnny couldn’t hear. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he doesn’t get hurt.”
    She nodded, but Jake could tell he hadn’t allayed her apprehension.
    Fifteen minutes later, in the bright afternoon sunlight, Kit leaned against the corral as Jake and Johnny stood next to the gentle dun. Despite Jake’s reassurances, she couldn’t stop the fear that climbed up her throat. She locked her fingers together to hide their trembling andhooked her arms over the top rail. Despite the cool day, perspiration pearled her forehead.
    “All right, Johnny,” Jake began. “First thing you have to do is let your horse get to know you. Let her smell your hand, talk to her, rub her neck; that way she won’t be so surprised when you get on her back.”
    Treasure nuzzled Johnny’s hand and the boy giggled, bringing a reluctant smile to Kit.
    “See her ears?” Jake asked.
    Johnny nodded. “They’re kinda standing straight up.”
    “That means Treasure knows what’s going on, that she trusts you. If a horse should ever throw back its ears, you’d best be getting out of its way.”
    Jake’s low easy drawl calmed Kit. For a moment she heard the long-ago echo of Jake’s soothing voice as he’d eased her loneliness with a few words and an understanding smile.
    Then Jake lifted the boy into the saddle, and Kit’s fingernails dug into her palms. “All right, now, keep your heels down in the stirrups,” Jake instructed.
    Johnny gripped the reins in both hands, and his tongue darted across his lips. Jake remained close to Treasure, keeping one hand on the bridle and the other on Johnny’s leg.
    “That’s right, keep those toes pointed to the sky,” Jake said. “You’re doing great, Johnny.”
    The boy smiled, his face glowing.
    “What do you say we walk around the corral a couple times so you can get a feel for the reins?” Jake suggested.
    Johnny nodded.
    As Jake led Treasure around the enclosure, Kit could see him talking to Johnny, and her shoulders untensed. Jake was a natural teacher, and she wondered if he even realized his talent.
    Would he act any differently if he knew

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