Zombified (Book 2): Shady Oaks

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Book: Zombified (Book 2): Shady Oaks by Char Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Char Robinson
Tags: Zombies
his chin. "Now you two can quit looking at me like that, you're my sons and I have every right to make sure you're okay, even if it meant doing a little sneaking around."
    They looked at each other in surprise and then Sean frowned again. "A little sneaking around?" he repeated. "What you did could have put this mission in jeopardy."
    At Mick's stricken look, Sean softened his voice and put an arm on his father's shoulder. "Look, we know you were only trying to help, and we appreciate that."
    Scott nodded and Sean continued. "But you have to realize that we're grown men now, not little kids, and we do know how to take care of ourselves. I know that sometimes it might not seem that way because we like to joke around so much, that's just our way of coping, but when we're on a mission or protecting our family or friends, we're all business."
    Mick sighed. "I know. In my head, I know. But in here," he said while tapping his chest. "I don't know. When I see you two head off to do something I know is probably dangerous, it takes everything inside of me to not run after you and try to stop you."
    Mick nodded toward the men assembled around Jimmy. "Let's drop this for now; I'm sure you two don't want to miss everything."
    At their nods, Mick let out a small sigh of relief as they turned and he quietly followed his sons back to the group. He allowed himself to think for a moment about everyone back at the tents and crossed his fingers that the plan he concocted with Charlie would work. Heck, it had to work, Mick thought grimly, or they were all in big trouble.
    Two farm dogs, one a rotund beagle and the other a lively and much younger border collie, escorted Cindy's truck with sharp barks and baying all the way down the drive to the McKenzie home. Driving past the house, she pointed ahead.
    "This is a big farm and for now they produce most of the meat we get. There are two barns and three big fenced areas for the chickens and pigs, with the cattle in a couple of pastures up by the hangar."
    She glanced at Harry, who was sitting beside her, before dodging a large dip in the dirt road. Judith and Mark were behind them in the fairly roomy back seat of the king cab having a quiet discussion of their own. "We should run into Bitsy and Judith's son, Travis, and Mr. McKenzie should be with them."
    Harry nodded, leaned forward, and squinted. He pointed toward a battered white pickup parked next to the last barn. Both barns were painted the traditional red with white trim and he was impressed at how neat and in good repair everything appeared.
    "Think that could be them?"
    "Hope so, I don't want to spend any more time trying to find them."
    Cindy pulled up next to the other truck and as she shut the engine off and looked up, saw Bitsy and Travis round the corner of the barn, each carrying a cardboard box full of cartons of eggs for the town. Following behind was Mr. McKenzie, who spotted them first as they piled out of the truck and headed their way.
    The farmer waved and when Bitsy looked up and saw her uncle, she stopped dead in her tracks and would have dropped the box she was carrying if not for Mr. McKenzie's quick thinking. One look at her and he reached over and took the box from her. She let out a combination of a squeal and a scream and flew toward Harry.
    Throwing herself at him, Harry scooped her up and gave her a long hug. Cindy felt tears spring to her eyes when she heard Bitsy sobbing into Harry's neck. Everyone stood quietly until Bitsy pulled back to stare into her uncle's face.
    "I can't believe it's really you!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide and her face wet with tears. He set her back on her feet and she clutched his arm, still staring at him. "When and how did you get here?"
    "I got here by helicopter and then these fine people brought me out here," he said with a grin toward Cindy and the others. He glanced back toward Mr. McKenzie. "They need my help, but I need fuel. We were hoping you might have some to

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