Zombified (Book 2): Shady Oaks

Free Zombified (Book 2): Shady Oaks by Char Robinson

Book: Zombified (Book 2): Shady Oaks by Char Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Char Robinson
Tags: Zombies
gripping Jimmy by the arm, headed outside with Malcolm on their heels.
    Two men outside tensed when they saw Mick and Jimmy emerge, but at Malcolm's appearance they both relaxed but continued to stay vigilant, watching their every move.
    Malcolm addressed the guards. "Escort these two to the edge of camp and let them go; they carry a message intended for the good Captain."
    Malcolm spun on his heel and retreated back into the tent. One of the men nudged Mick with his rifle. To Mick, he looked like an angry bullfrog, short and squat with large bulging brown eyes. The other guard was a lot younger and taller, almost pleasant looking with a round face, freckles, and bright blue eyes under an unruly mass of blond hair.
    "You heard the man, get going," Bullfrog growled, giving Mick another nudge.
    Mick held up a hand. "All right, stop poking me with that thing, we're going."
    Mick turned and headed for the open meadow and Jimmy followed close behind. To his surprise, the other guard ran in front of them and stopped. "No! Not that way!"
    At their quizzical look, the young man swallowed and glanced at Bullfrog before continuing. "No one goes into the meadow or near the lake, Malcolm's orders." He pointed to their right. "We walk around."
    Mick shrugged and gave Jimmy a quick glance before turning to the young man. "No problem, would you like to lead?"
    He swallowed again and nodded. "Sure, follow me, but no funny stuff."
    "You got it," Mick said with a shake of his head.
    The meadow was large and it took them nearly forty minutes to travel halfway around. Mick saw several military vehicles parked along the tree line, but no one was in sight. Bullfrog raced ahead of them and held up a hand for them to stop.
    "This is where we part ways," he growled, using his rifle to point toward the vehicles. "Go."
    Without a word, Mick once again grabbed Jimmy by the arm and propelled him along at a rapid pace. He could feel the guards' eyes boring into their backs and he wanted nothing more than to get away from their stares and their guns. Wouldn't do to be shot in the back at this point - wouldn't do at all.
    To his relief, as soon as they reached the first jeep a young soldier stepped out from behind a tree and motioned them forward. Once they reached him, it seemed as though several pairs of hands grabbed them and shoved them further into the trees.
    Suddenly no one was shoving them and they both staggered and stopped. They were surrounded by soldiers, but Mick only had eyes for Sean and Scott, who were flanking the captain and solemnly staring at them.
    Captain Sears strode forward and gave them a big smile. First shaking Mick's hand and then Jimmy's he said, "Our scouts saw you coming, I'm surprised Malcolm would let anyone go."
    "He has a message for you," Jimmy replied.
    Mick raised an eyebrow in surprise as he glanced at the boy, but decided to let him talk. Jimmy seemed to have gained back some of his courage since they were once again among friends and Mick let him run with it. To tell the truth, he was happy to let Jimmy deliver the message while he talked with his sons.
    As they approached, he stepped back and waved them over. After receiving a big hug from both of them, he looked them over carefully.
    "Looks like you two are okay," he said with a grin. "Your mother and I were worried about you."
    Sean's smile turned into a frown. "Is that why you're up here? Do you have any idea what was going through our minds when we saw you and Charlie being marched inside that tent?"
    "I can't believe Mom would let you come up here," Scott interjected. At the look on Mick's face, his eyes widened. "Does Mom know?"
    Mick shook his head and to his chagrin, dropped his eyes to the ground like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. He looked up at their disapproving faces.
    "No, we didn't tell anyone. We're supposed to be checking on the patrols around town."
    Not liking the feeling he was experiencing, he raised his head and jutted out

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