0.5 One Wilde Night

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Book: 0.5 One Wilde Night by Jenn Stark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenn Stark
the city once power had shifted. I came along and—well. There is an advantage to my position in society.” Again with the self-deprecating smile. “But separating her from the power of her ancient beliefs has taken its toll on her heart. It’s my hope that this small gift will return a light to her eyes that has been gone for too long.”
    “Yeah… I’m sure it will.” I thought about everything I had experienced while the amulet had been around my neck. The power that had coursed through me, and the physical ache that had nothing to do with my chicken-fried skin. “It might return more than that to her, though. If you haven’t had your heart checked out recently, now would be a good time.”
    Mischief twinkled in Carl’s blue eyes along with obvious affection, which made sense. He’d just dropped eighty large to buy a stone frog for the woman, so it was reasonable that he liked her. “I’d thought of that as well. I guess we will see.” He nodded at the waitress. “Please order anything you would like. I’ve arranged to cover the check, and I’ve also arranged for the remainder of your fee to be wired to your account. My congratulations on your successful endeavor. In addition, not that you haven’t defended yourself admirably, but I’ve asked my compatriots to please call back anyone they had sent to recover the amulet and to trouble you no further.”
    “Um, thanks.” I thought of Nigel. We’d dropped him off at a hotel off the main drag of Rio. The Magician’s crisply suited chauffeur had easily carried him into the hotel, then returned a few minutes later, quietly informing me that “Mr. Friedman” would be taken care of most excellently, and that I needed no longer to worry about him.
    Speaking of no longer worrying, there was one more loose end to tie up. “What about Will Donovan? Was he part of your friend’s little competition?”
    And had he survived?
    I don’t know why I cared, but I did.
    Carl shook his head, however. “That was also the work of one of my circle. I was shocked when I read that in your report. It hadn’t occurred to me that an associate of mine would commandeer a civilian in his cause, but the fellow appeared to be expertly chosen. He also helped my friend nearly pull off a coup too. It’s the closest he’s ever gotten to doing so.”
    “So there were no casualties?”
    “None at all. Frank actually paid Mr. Donovan for his services. He did his job, getting you to where he said he would, with the amulet intact. The attack from Ms. Rossi’s guards was simply unfortunate timing for Frank. You didn’t give up, though.”
    I shrugged. “Job wasn’t finished.”
    He smiled. “Well, it is now. I hope you can take some time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.”
    I raised my mug to him, thinking of little Michel back in Paris. “Something like that.”
    Carl took his leave of me then, and I lingered, eating about four pounds of eggs, bacon, and some kind of pastry that was like a truffle on steroids. When I finally rolled out of the restaurant and down the short stairs to the ocean, I weebled more than walked.
    I needed to get out of there, though, to plan my next steps. I needed to recover my laptop, do cleanup, and get on a plane. But the food in my stomach and the money in my bank account were combining to lull me into a momentary lapse of—
    I whirled so fast that I hit the man’s arm at an awkward angle, expecting him to be chopping at me from above instead of from the side. Reacting just as quickly, he backed a step away, both of his hands going up in a soothing reaction, but I’d already learned what I needed.
    The jolt of psychic awareness seared through me, quick and hot. This man was a Connected, but not just any Connected. Someone pretty high up the food chain.
    “Back off,” I practically snarled.
    The man who belonged to the hands stood back, allowing me to get an entire view of him. And… well. Then I gaped.
    He was a work of art.
    Golden eyes

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