Inheritance (The Dark Gifts)

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Book: Inheritance (The Dark Gifts) by Willow Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Cross
into action running full force into the leading members of the Masada clan.  Fur and bits of flesh and blood mingled in the air as the opposing sides made contact.  Fighting wolves covered the entire yard, teeth glaring and gnashing, shredding anyone they came close to. 
    Horrified, Sarah watched the devastation of the brutal battle.  She stood steadfast, fighting an overwhelming desire to run, but knowing she could not leave her brother, or her pack, to face the ravages of the vicious Savata clan.  The bond that held them to her, also held her to them. 
    Time seemed to decelerate until everything appeared to take place in slow motion.  Several of the larger wolves attacked Jason, at least four if she counted correctly.  Rolling and leaping through air as they fought, their gaping maws tore into his flesh.  Some danced around each other searching for a breach that would provide a quick kill.  Jason shook his attackers off with such force two flew head over tail , yelping in pain.  He spun.  Snarling, his massive jaws ripped into the throat of a brown wolf in front of him.  Flipping his head to the side, its neck snapped and it fell limply to the ground.  Jason's head flew back and a triumphant howl echoed through the trees.  Blood dripped from his flanks, shoulders, and muzzle. 
    From different points of the battle, Sarah heard whimpers and yelps from her wounded brothers and sisters.  Even in the midst of the conflict, Sarah was surprised her mind would think of them that way.  Her brothers and sisters…her family.  She was home.  This was her life now.  If she were going to keep it, she needed a course of action to end this confrontation quickly. 
    Sarah closed her eyes and concentrated.  Her senses clicked into overdrive.  The air, infused with the metallic scent of blood, burnt her nose.  She heard the fighting move closer and felt the pressure of a body against her legs.  Someone had returned and closely guarded her.  No, not someone--several, she could feel them moving, circling around her.  Sarah kept her eyes closed and continued to focus.  Something Shana said stuck in her mind, “You are not their Alpha.”    Shana was right, but Sarah knew she wasn’t just any ordinary Alpha.  She was strong enough to usurp the power of a male and that was not supposed to happen.  If she could create a link with the Savata Alpha, she might be able to stop this. 
    She focused on the images radiating from her pack and connected fully, as if she fought each individual battle.  Sarah’s eyes rolled back in their sockets.  Her body seized and convulsed in response to the onslaught of razor-sharp teeth and claws tearing through flesh that didn’t belong to her.  Agonizing pain blotted out the visions, sound, and her ability to comprehend what was happening.  An ear-splitting scream erupted from her core.   The tortured shriek enraged the Masada pack.  Strengthened, the wolves retaliated against the interlopers with violent fervor. 
    A desperate voice breached Sarah’s pain, “Sarah, you must take control.  They will kill us!” 
    Sarah latched on to the lifeline her brother had thrown her.  With all her focus on him, the pain receded and allowed her to view the pack instead of joining with them. 
    The Savata leader‘s jaws sunk into Jason‘s hide.  Jason spun and the leader fell back.  Sarah linked with Jason and instinctively, he let her take over.  The two massive beasts were in a standoff.  Eyeing each other, they waited for the next chance to strike.  Using Jason’s eyes, Sarah dove into the other’s mind.  She sifted through a kaleidoscope of his memories before trying to make contact.  His name was Christian.  A loner most of his life, he had no mate or children.  He was a solid leader and cared for his pack.  The only emotion stronger than his loyalty to his pack was his lust for power and Shana.  That feeling saturated his essence, driving him unceasingly.  In

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