Inheritance (The Dark Gifts)

Free Inheritance (The Dark Gifts) by Willow Cross

Book: Inheritance (The Dark Gifts) by Willow Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Cross
cabin.  Hands on hips, she glared at them.  “I don’t know why you’re bothering with this, children .  You're outnumbered.”
    Jason growled, and raised his head to let out an ear-splitting howl.  In reaction to his challenge many of those guarding the house began to shift.  The Alpha had issued a challenge, most had no choice in the matter. 
    As soon as they had completed their transformation, Sarah ordered, “To me.  Now.  All of you.”
    Some fought the pull of her voice.  Others moved with reluctant obedience. 
    Shana screamed, “Stop.  Stay where you are.”  It did not help her cause.  The control she held over their human forms dissipated when they were confronted with a direct order from an Alpha.
    Jason snapped and growled at the others as they joined them on their side of the yard, getting them into line and preparing them to attack those that still guarded the cabin.
    Jumbled voices faintly echoed in Sarah’s mind.  Bits and pieces of conversation, feelings of confusion and fear, even anger bombarded her senses.  Breathing deeply, she gained control and silenced the voices with a thought.  Enough.  Silence.
    Five stood against them.  Sarah smiled in anticipation of an easy victory, calling out to Shana, “Looks like you’re out numbered, Auntie dear.  We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way, either way, we are doing this.”
    “Oh yes, my dear, we are doing this.  And hard it shall be.  You have no idea with whom you are messing!” Shana called back.  She brought her arms out to her sides and bellowed, “It is time.  Come.”
    Figures, small and large, crept from the trees closest to the rear of the cabin and moved to where Shana and the five waited.  They were all wolves. 
    Sarah shook her head and laughed at Shana’s triumphant attitude.  “To me.”
    The new wolves growled in reply and stood their ground.  Shana let out a maniacal laugh and voice filled with hatred, said, “Oh dear…I’m a terrible hostess.  Let me introduce you to our new friends.  This is the Savata clan.  I’m guessing you haven’t met them before.  You see, they come from a distance and are not part of our pack.  You are not their Alpha, dear.”
    Sarah’s jaw dropped.  Not only had she not seen this coming, but she could not believe Shana would put her own pack in jeopardy.  Every single pack member would fight to the death on her orders.  If she continued with this, Sarah would be sentencing several of her own to death.
    Shana’s mouth broke into an evil grin as she watched the realization of what was about to happen, break over Sarah’s face.  “Yes dear, you’ve guessed it.  If you order our pack to continue, some of them--possibly many--will die.  Take heart, it is past time for a good cleansing.  Some of those surrounding you are weak and should have never been given the gift of lycanthropy.  You'll actually be doing the pack a favor because only the strongest will survive.”
    Sarah glanced at those around her.  She could feel shock emanating from them.  They had not known Shana’s entire plan.  A few whimpers issued from those next to her. 
    Jason stepped in front of her and bellowed out a monstrous howl.  The five remaining immediately shifted and attempted to join their pack.  The Savata clan growled and snapped at the five, biting and pulling at their fur, not allowing them to escape the porch.
    Sarah linked to Jason. “ I don’t know what to do. ”
    Jason growled in reply, his body rippled with tension.  His mind was riddled with anger.  “ We do what we came to do.  We free Thomas.”
    The pack joined him.  Moving forward and protectively pushing Sarah behind them, they made ready to attack. 
    Sarah exhaled, resigned to what was about to happen and softly ordered, “Take them.”
    Jason and the pack methodically advanced toward the newcomers.  Before they could make the trek across the lawn, several of the rival wolves leapt

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