Primal: Part One

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Book: Primal: Part One by Keith Thomas Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keith Thomas Walker
thought she was asleep, but he didn’t think an unconscious person could hold a smile on their face.
    Beth followed him when he left the bedroom.  In the front room, she asked for his phone number.
    “We only come here three or four times a year,” she explained.  “If you’re available on our next trip, Sarah would like to see you again.”
    She didn’t seem like the same witch who had been yelling at them for the past hour.
    Jovan commented, “I thought you didn’t like me?”
    Beth smiled.  His eyes widened.  He didn’t think her lips ever curved that way.
    “It’s just a game we play,” she revealed.  “I don’t like the idea of my wife liking dick, but I knew who she was when I married her.  I don’t ever want to be with a man, but I won’t deprive her.  As far as my language, she gets more excited when I tell her how disgusting men are, and frankly, so do I.  Next time, I would like to touch myself, while you screw her.”
    Wow , Jovan thought.  This may not be the absolute freakiest couple he’d ever met, but they were certainly in the top five.  He gave Beth his number.  He doubted if he’d be in Vegas when they returned, but Sarah might be worth the trip, especially if he could get them to pay his airfare.

    As I lay
    Thinking of him
    His eyes, his smile
    His musk, his skin
    And my thighs spread
    A river flows
    I moan
    He hears me
    He comes to feel me
    Taste me
    Take me
    Jovan chuckled as he completed his erotic story.  “That’s crazy, right?”
    Crazy was one of the things going through Monica’s head as she listened to him.  But hot was probably at the top of her list.  It wasn’t just his story; she felt physically heated as well.  It was mid fall.  She had the front windows rolled down on her Yukon, but there was no breeze.  It was 81 degrees outside but felt like 105 degrees in her car.  She reached to start the engine as she held the button to make the windows rise.
    Jovan said, “You hot?”
    “It’s not hot to you?”
    He shrugged.  “A little.”  He looked out upon the mostly empty parking lot at the I HOP.
    He didn’t appear self-conscious about anything he told her, but Monica felt a thin coat of sweat on her face.  She was too embarrassed to wipe it off.  Even the bright lights from the restaurant’s marquee seemed to beam more heat their way.
    “Luke says I’m a bonafide prostitute now,” Jovan reported.
    Monica knew his brother.  Luke went to Finley High with them.
    “No, not necessarily,” she said, hoping to keep him from noticing how off-kilter she was.  “You, you only did it one time.”
    “Yeah, but it’s like I said…”  He looked into her eyes.  “I feel like my whole life has been leading up to this.  Every experience I’ve ever had with a woman played a part in what happened at that hotel.”
    Monica wondered if his experiences with her were included in that comment.  She doubted it, since they never made love.  Plus he said “women,” and she considered herself a girl back then.
    “But why me?” she wondered.  “Why’d you come to me with this?”
    “I think I was meant to see you at the mixer.”  He was animated.  His eyes were on fire.  “I believe in fate.  My Vegas trip was two weeks ago.  Since then I’ve been trying to figure things out, to see if I could pull this off.  I knew I was missing something, and now I realize what it is:  A manager .  You’re what I need to make this work.”
    “It sounds like you’ve already been successful with it,” she noted.  “Why don’t you just get a license in Vegas and go for it.  You don’t need me.”
    “But that’s the thing.  I can’t move to Vegas.  I got my mom here.  My brother and them, they need me.”
    “Oh, how is your mom?” Monica asked.  She hoped she didn’t look surprised to hear the woman was still alive.
    Jovan’s mother suffered from sickle cell.  She’d been

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