Maid For His Submission

Free Maid For His Submission by Eryn Black

Book: Maid For His Submission by Eryn Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eryn Black
tried to focus on anything but the throbbing excitement coming from her now cold and numbing nipples. Her breasts looked swollen, and she just assumed it was from her incased excitement, or her imagination, but she liked it.
    Looking in the mirror, she could see the tan rings of her areola through the bra and had to resort to adding a T-shirt before finishing with her black jeans. She decided now was a better time than ever to explore.
    Sneaking down the hall, her personal soundtrack resembled a spy flick building the excitement as she made her way back to the lobby doors that she had come through yesterday morning. It was perhaps silly that she was playing a spy in her head, but with every turn, she expected Mr. Richard to step out and stop her exploration with another mind-blowing seduction.
    The lobby was like any office building in downtown, with dark marble floors and four elevators that dinged to announce another suit leaving the building. The wall placard gave office numbers and job titles from D.D.S. to Accounting and a Law firm. It all looked legitimate, until she saw the heavy polished metal symbols that suspended over the guard’s desk, R&T towers. R&T? Who or what could that be? Then the obvious clicked. Who lived in the penthouse and who interviewed her yesterday? Perhaps downstairs really was a dirty little secret? Had she just escaped the rabbit hole or would the queen soon step from one of the elevators to demand her head on a platter?
    "Miss? Miss?" the guard called, waking Tosh from her thoughts. "Can I help you with anything?" There was more of a polite greeting from him rather than the harsh professional one she had seen him give to everyone else who passed his way.
    "No thank you,” she stuttered. "I..." A large warm hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her back into a muscular wall, silencing her.
    "Perhaps there’s something I can do for you." A familiar deep voice ticked her ears.
    "I...I..." Licking her dry lips, Tosh’s mind buzzed for an answer, but she was distracted by his closeness.
    "You were just…?" Prompting an answer from her didn’t help when his voice had such a seductive power over her.
    His free hand turned her head around to face him. Dark, sinful eyes bore into hers, and Tosh felt her legs turn to jelly.
    "Pat, I think I’ll take care of our guest,” he informed the puzzled security guard, never taking his eyes from hers.
    Two strong hands turned her body to match him chest to chest before he pulled her through the lobby past the four elevators that now dinged to announce a rush of men and women dressed in their weekend office attire rushing home to capture what was left of their weekend.
    Rounding a corner there stood bright red elevator doors that would have screamed vampire had this been a B flick. Turning her back around, he pushed his hard cock into the junction of her round butt and lower back. She was his slave and anything he asked of her now she would willingly do.
    "Watch them leave,” he whispered. "All business and proper, exiting after sacrificing their day off for another day at the office," he whispered over her shoulder and into her ear. "What are they going home to? Wives, husbands, kids? Perhaps an empty apartment with a stash of porn hidden from visiting parents’ eyes, ready to watch while dining on a hot microwave dinner?"
    One by one, they watched the people file out of the lobby. One by one, everyday career minded men and women heading out into the world, eager for their weekend BBQ or dreading to face their boring nightly routine, wondering where their weekend had gone before they started their week all over again tomorrow morning.
    What do they do? What are their interests? Who are their interests?
    "Do you ever stop to look and ask yourself, 'how does this lawyer let loose and escape the daily grind?’ 'Do dentists really live out their masochistic fantasies at home or are they more submissive, ready to allow someone else to administer the pain

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