Curves For The Lone Alpha (A Big Girl Meets Bad Wolf Romance)

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Book: Curves For The Lone Alpha (A Big Girl Meets Bad Wolf Romance) by Molly Prince Read Free Book Online
Authors: Molly Prince
but the two of them looked like they were
joined at the hip. And they’d known each other what, thirty-six hours tops?
    I made a mental note to look her up once the dust settled.
If she survived.
    - X -

A Note From The Author
    If you made it this far thank you so much for reading my
novella. What started as a simple tale of lupine lust became so much more as I
wrote. Between the lines I was building a whole world of shifters, the women
who love them, the dark forces that hunt them and a centuries old war that
threatens entire species.
    While this can be read as a complete stand alone story there
are still unanswered questions and I’m looking forward to diving back into the
world of James and Carrie and others like them if you want more. So if you do
want more, please let me know. Either drop me an email at [email protected] , check
out my blog (where you’ll find more background information about this world) at or sign up for my
mailing list at .
    Of course the best way to tell me you want more and support
my work as a self-published author is to leave a positive review.
    And before anyone points it out… yes Jimmy has a hairy
chest, but my cover model does not. I hope you can forgive me but come one!
Those abs! That chin! That please-take-me-home-and-look-after-me posture. I
just couldn’t bring myself to change him.

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