Dragon's Kin

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Book: Dragon's Kin by Anne McCaffrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne McCaffrey
dripped faster.
    “He has to stop, Natalon, or he’ll bleed to death!”
    Just then, they heard shouts from beyond the cave-in, urging them on. Frantically, Dask dug harder, with less control, showering the anxious Kindan with stones and mud. He shouldered deeper into the tunnel he was digging and renewed his efforts.
    There was a loud cry as his heavy claws broke through the last of the obstacle; the encouraging shouts from the freed miners were clearly audible.
    “Run back to the entrance, Kindan,” Natalon said, “and tell them to bring in stretchers.”
    Kindan did not want to leave Dask’s side, but Natalon pulled him from the watch-wher and pushed him on his way. As he ran, Kindan began shouting the good news, as well as Natalon’s request for stretchers, to those waiting outside at the top of the shaft. They came pushing past him in their eagerness to see who had been saved, and Kindan followed more slowly, trying to get his breath back.
    Back in the shaft, Dask was lying in a lump, his big eyes fitfully gleaming. He didn’t even pick up his head as Kindan knelt beside him. The first of the rescued men was being hauled out on a stretcher as Kindan tried to staunch the ichor that streamed out of the neck gash.
    “Oh, Dask, what have you done to yourself?” he keened as he felt the unsteady neck pulse.
    Dask curled his neck, placing his head on Kindan’s lap and sighing sadly. Kindan began to scratch behind Dask’s ears, soothing the beast as well as he could. And so, having led the rescuers to the trapped men, Dask finished his life.
    The boy had kept watching for the sight of his father’s face or one of his brothers among those led out and up to the surface. It was when Natalon remarked that the last of the live miners had been rescued, that Kindan gave up hope.
    “We’ll get the dead ones out now,” Natalon said. He paused beside Kindan, patting his head kindly. “Your father’s neck was broken, lad. And your brothers are half buried under the rubble. We’ll get their bodies before night falls.”
    Kindan sat there a long time, holding the heavy head of the watch-wher, absently scratching ears that were turning stiff, his lap covered in green ichor, until Natalon returned for a final inspection.
    “Still here, boy? Come, it’s nearly dark.”
    “But Dask is dead, Natalon.”
    Natalon crouched down beside the boy and saw his tear-streaked face. He mopped some of the tears from the coal-dust-smeared face and touched Kindan tenderly on the head.
    “There’s a big hole not far from here where I will see he is buried, Kindan, but you must come with me now. It’s all over down here.”
    Natalon had to help the grieving boy to his feet, ignoring Kindan’s repeated request to stay by the watch-wher.
    “He made a good end, Kindan. He was a fine beast.”
    Kindan found himself wandering among the wounded, looking for any of his brothers, his throat tight and tears streaming freely down his face. He went from stretcher to stretcher, fighting his way among the crowds, ignoring the calls of the women who were acting as nurses.
    He heard a voice croak out his name and turned quickly.
    “Zenor!” Abashed to realize that he had completely forgotten that Zenor had gone into the mine that shift, Kindan was at his friend’s side in a second. Zenor was cut, bruised, and in shock. Kindan grabbed the hand Zenor had raised to him and held it with more force than he realized.
    “Did—did they get out?” Zenor asked. A look at Kindan’s face told him the answer. “My father?” Kindan shook his head. “Your father?” Kindan’s tears answered that question, too. “Dask did, though, didn’t he? I heard him clawing through to us.”
    Zenor looked right into Kindan’s eyes. “Kindan, he saved me. I would never have thought—”
    “Dask was a good watch-wher,” Kindan said over the lump in his throat.
    Zenor shook his head. “Not Dask—I meant Kaylek. He and my Dad pushed me back

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