Fenella Miller

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Authors: To Love Again
girls to pick up after you, Mrs Reed. I will not have you scrabbling about the floor as if you are no better than serving maid." He stared down at her, his mouth firm and his expression uncompromising. "Ring the bell. Summon a girl to pick this up. Come with me, we can continue our discussion on the terrace." Without allowing her time to disagree he gripped her elbow and all but bundled her out of the open French doors. "Sit there, in the shade, I shall speak to the girl when she arrives."
    He strode inside and she heard him issuing orders, no doubt they would be obeyed with alacrity. His absence gave her a precious few moments to recover her composure. She was unused to being manhandled in this way, he was a very dictatorial gentleman and she wasn't at all sure she liked him at all. He reappeared and handed her a glass of something sweet. "Drink this, my dear, it is sherry wine, it will calm your nerves."
    Obediently she sipped and found the contents to her liking. "I have not had this before, it is most palatable, I thank you for bringing it, sir."
    He folded himself on to the stone bench beside her. His proximity was unsettling and nervously she gulped her drink. The liquid went the wrong way and she choked. Red-faced and mortified, she was obliged to suffer the indignity of being thumped on the back, whilst gasping like a landed fish.
    "I am recovered, thank you, for your assistance. I do not know why it is, but every time I am in your vicinity some accident occurs. I think we will do well to keep our meetings to a minimum in future." She stood up and curtsied. "I would like to ask you a favour, Mr Bucknall. Would you allow my daughter to play your pianoforte? She is a talented pianist, I can assure you it will be no hardship to listen to her."
    His gaze was no longer on her, but over her head towards the natural lake that graced the sweeping lawn. "Is that your son, over there, by the boat shed?"
    Emma followed his pointing finger. "It is, he should not be there on his own. He is forbidden to go near water without an adult with him."
    Before she could gather her skirts and race down the slope he grabbed her arm restraining her. "Has he been told expressly not to go down to the lake?"
    Why was he delaying to ask such silly questions? "Yes, did I not just say so? Please, sir, I must go down there before he falls in drowns himself."
    "No, I shall fetch him back, he will come to no harm from the water. I can assure you, Mrs Reed, he will not venture there again. Go about your duties, allow me to take care of this matter for you. After all, your children are as much my responsibility as yours whilst they reside under my roof."
    Reassured by his confidence, although puzzled by his comments about responsibility, she returned to her sitting room. Mrs Turner was due to discuss the menu for tomorrow, but first she would find Mary and tell her the good news.
    * * * *
    As Rupert jogged down to the water he wondered what had possessed him to become involved in this way. Each step jarred his head, he would be glad when the sawbones returned to remove the sutures. It was correct that anyone in his employ was his responsibility, but he wasn't sure that included the offspring of employees. However, Mrs Reed had more than enough to do running the household. And it was high time this young scamp was taken in hand. He was hopelessly spoilt, overindulged by his doting mama, in desperate need of discipline in his opinion.
    The child had been told not to come near the water and had deliberately disobeyed. He doubted he would be punished by his mother, so he would administer well deserved discipline himself. A few sharp slaps on his backside would do the child no harm, and might teach him to mind his mother more. It might also save his life by keeping him away from the water.
    When he was within range he raised his voice and roared. "Jack Reed, what the devil do you think you're doing down here when you have been forbidden to do so?"
    The little

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