Fenella Miller

Free Fenella Miller by To Love Again

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Authors: To Love Again
far better. The magnificent oak staircase was polished, the marble tiles scrubbed clean and the tall windows on either side of the front door sparkled in the sunlight.
    According to William she would find the man she sought in his study working at estate business. With the parcel tucked firmly under one arm she marched up to the door and knocked far louder than she'd intended. Immediately he bid her enter, this time he did not roar and shout.
    Stepping into the room she dipped in a polite curtsy. When she raised her eyes she was astounded to see he'd stood up as if she were a lady and moved from behind his desk to greet her.
    Her pulse raced. Before, he had been a handsome man, now he was devastating. She could not take her eyes from him.
    His hair shone with good health and was fastened, in the old-fashioned style, at the nape of his neck with a black ribbon. Even the thick white bandage did not detract from his appearance. His shirt was immaculate, his waistcoat a dazzling peacock blue, and his cravat tied in an intricate arrangement. She dared not lower her gaze to see what he was wearing below the waist.
Chapter 7
    "Mrs Reed, I had thought you avoiding me for some reason."
    Was it her imagination or did she detect a decided glint in his eye? "I must apologise for not coming and thanking you immediately for your generous gifts." She could hardly tell him that his butler had forgotten to pass them on. "They were temporarily mislaid. Thank you most sincerely, but I cannot keep this one. Material of this quality is not suited to someone of my station."
    She held the rectangle out and he was obliged to take it. She could see he was not pleased to have it given back to him in this way. Then he smiled and the breath caught in the back of her throat.
    "Mrs Reed, I do beg your pardon. I should have realised that myself. Please, will you not sit down, there are various matters I need to discuss with you." With a slight bow in her direction he pulled out a chair and placed it on the opposite side of the desk to the one he had been sitting in. She had no option but to take it. It was highly irregular for someone in her position to sit in the presence of her employer. But then everything about this relationship was irregular.
    "Mr Bucknall, no doubt you have seen the improvements I have already made in the house. However, to restore it fully I need a full complement of staff. Jack tells me you have already brought in a flock of sheep to tidy the park, and taken on sufficient outside men to bring it back to its former glory."
    He steepled his hands in front of him and nodded solemnly. Why did she think he was having fun at her expense? She could feel her irritation building, she did not care to be laughed at in this way. "Do I have your agreement to increase the inside staff?"
    "You are the housekeeper here, Mrs Reed, you may do as you please. However I must make it very clear that I do not care for liveried footman and all that flummery. Discreet and invisible, that is what I want in all my servants."
    "Then I thank you, sir, I shall send someone to the village. I have already taken on all those available who live in the cottages nearby. Forgive me for asking, but do you have any more bolts of the darker blue material? It is perfect for the female staff, if I'm to take on more than I need to see they are dressed accordingly."
    "The trunks in the box from on the nursery floor are full of such stuff." He tossed the parcel of gold silk back to her, his sudden gesture startled her and the item fell the floor with a thump. She had not fastened the string securely and it unrolled; yards of shimmering silk cascaded across the boards.
    She exclaimed in horror at her clumsiness. This was no way to treat such delicate stuff. Scrambling from her chair she dropped to her knees and started to gather it back. Strong arms gripped her elbows and she was lifted from the floor and dropped, rather too hard, back on her feet.
    "Leave it. You have

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