Enticed by Ecstasy (Wicked Treasures)

Free Enticed by Ecstasy (Wicked Treasures) by Donna Grant

Book: Enticed by Ecstasy (Wicked Treasures) by Donna Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Grant
can you.”   He raised the rifle and readied to fire again.
    “Channing,” she whispered and lifted her face to his.   Seeing her mother waste her love on a man such as her father had made Abby hesitant to ever want to love, but the feelings that had grown so quickly for Channing told her she didn’t have a choice in the matter.
    His arms tightened around her.   “I won’t lose you.   Not now, not after finally finding happiness.”
    She waited, her heart hammering in her chest, for her father to fire the rifle, but nothing happened.   Slowly, she and Channing lifted their heads to find her father surrounded by hungry hyenas.
    Abby took in a shaky breath and glanced at Channing, remembering all too well their encounter with the animals.
    “Move slowly,” he whispered.
    She was afraid to move at all.   The hyenas had their attention on her father and his men, but any sound might make them turn to her and Channing.
    “Abby.   Trust me.”
    How could she not after such a plea?   She gave him a slight nod and gradually moved away from the tree.   Channing stayed between her and the pack of hyenas just in case they decided to attack.   Inch by agonizing inch, they worked their way backward, glancing over their shoulders as they did.
    “Abigail,” her father screamed.   “Help me.”
    Abby swallowed, but refused to answer.   The hyenas had begun to close in around him and the men.   A few of the men took shots at the pack, and a few even managed to kill a hyena or two, but it was too late.   The hyenas growled before they charged.
    Their screams mixed with the growls of the animals echoed through the jungle.   She and Channing were about to run when one of the hyenas looked at them.
    A moment later, he turned back to the slaughter.   She took Channing’s hand and together they ran toward his home.   After they had gone a safe distance, Channing stopped and pulled her into his arms.
    “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
    She knew he referred to her father’s death.   “I’d like to say I’m going to miss him, but I’m not.   He was an evil man who got what he deserved in the end.”
    Channing leaned back.   “And you?   What have you gotten?”
    She smiled and smoothed a lock of black hair away from his forehead.   “I got the best gift of all.   You.”
    “I’m falling in love with you,” he admitted softly, his coffee colored eyes serious.
    “Good, because I’ve already fallen in love with you.”
    His head dipped to take her lips in a kiss.   Abby rose up on tiptoe, eager to taste him once more.   And just as their lips brushed against each other, monkeys above them began to scream and jump up and down in the trees.
    Abby shared a laugh with Channing as they raised their gaze to watch the monkeys.
    “Are you sure you want this?” he asked and spread his arm wide to encompass all of Africa.
    She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes.   The forever she’d always dreamed was standing right before her.   A life full of adventure and danger.   And love.  
    “Just what I wanted to hear,” he said before he took her lips in a searing kiss.  

    Also look for…

    First book in the Wicked Treasures series
    Forced to take drastic measures to keep his people from dying out, Achates risks his life to save a woman only to learn she’s the one deemed strong enough to rule with him by Poseidon himself.
    It isn’t just her mind – but her body – Achates stirs when Livia wakes in his arms.   She’s unsure of her place in this new world she learns is the home she was stolen from.   It’s with Achates strong heart, gentle hands, and trust that she begins to understand what her true role is.   But will it be in time to stop the destruction of their world?

    Third book in the Wicked Treasures series
    For three years Juliann Little has hidden away from everyone after the Scandal.   She devoted her life to

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