Branded By a Warrior

Free Branded By a Warrior by Sunny Andrews

Book: Branded By a Warrior by Sunny Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sunny Andrews
with her. Although she had not protested his protection, he figured it was best to keep his distance. Protecting her was quite different than sharing a bed with an unwed maiden.
    Crossing his arms he closed his eyes and allowed the crackling fireplace to lull him to sleep, he was exhausted, mentally and physically.
    Hours later the shuffling of his dogs awoke him from his restless slumber, looking across the room he saw both of his wolfhounds standing up with their heads lying o n the bed next to Elisabeth. His dogs heard his movement and swung their heads to look at him before turning back to Elisabeth, once again laying their heads next to her.
    Concerned, Broderick slowly stood up and quietly walked over to the bed. He saw her shedding tears in her sleep, lost in a nother nightmare. His heart ached for the lass; he knew she dreamt of the massacre of her family and people again . It would stay with her soul forever. Over the past week she had suffered though endless nightmares, screaming for her pare nts and Duncan, for her people, tonight was no different. He silently wondered if she would be haunted for the rest of her life.
    Pushing away his dogs gently , he sat down on the side of the bed and pulled off his huntsman kneeboots . Standing back up he pulled off his linen shirt , tossing it aside on the floor beside his boots . Pulling back the blankets he slipped in beside her like he had each night since he rescued her. His soul couldn’t bear to see her cry; locked in a nightmare he scooped her in to his arms and kept her warm, attempting to talk her out of her nightmare prison.
    In her nightmare, blood and smoke were surrounding her. The screams of innocent children and women called out to her, shadowy faces haunted her, as she stood alone in the ruins of her home.
    In the far distance she heard his voice, she sensed his presence, his nearness made her demons vanish . She could hear his velvet voice whisper to her I’ll never let anyone hurt you again Elisabeth, come back to me lass , I need you.
    Awaking to the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around her she tried to stop her tears from falling. Her back was flush with his chest, his muscular arms wrapped around her chest holding her tight as tears fell down her face.
    She couldn’t explain it, she didn’t understand it, but every part of her soul trusted this man. She was so alone, her family was dead and this pain in her heart was paralyzing. She had never let another man this close to her ever before, yet she needed his comfort. Giving in that fate had designed this man to be her protector, she let her tears fall for her slain family members, her faithful servants and village people. She was not worried to appear weak or womanly; her grief was real and raw.
    Broderick knew she was awake when he felt her small hands reach up and squeeze his arms as she continued to cry ; her small body shook as she silently grieved her loss.
    Squeezing the bonny lass in his arms gently enough not to hurt her shoulde r, he leaned close and whispered into her ear, “Grief never ceases , but it does change . Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor lack of faith Elisabeth; it is the price of love . ”
    The next morning Broderick woke on his back, in the crook of his arm he held the still sleeping Elisabeth, her injured arm lay across his bare chest , her bare leg s entangled with his. Her long silky red hair fanned out across his bed behind her. With the sun on the horizon, he watched her sleep . The dark circles under her eyes were slowly fading away. Her eyes swollen and red from crying last night, he had thought long and hard about what to do with the lass this past week. He still didn’t know. Lying with her snuggled against his chest, he fel t that familiar pull he’d been pushing away all week.
    He knew the lass needed to marry, but he also knew if she hadn’t gotten married by now there was a good reason. Last night she had repeated his answer,

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