Forever Charmed (The Halloween LaVeau Series, Book 1)

Free Forever Charmed (The Halloween LaVeau Series, Book 1) by Rose Pressey

Book: Forever Charmed (The Halloween LaVeau Series, Book 1) by Rose Pressey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Pressey
make their breakfast. I could see my mother shaking her head in my mind.
Nicolas hadn’t noticed me watching him. How he hadn’t heard me run through the house like a crazy woman was beyond me. The smell of cinnamon and syrup whirled through the air. He looked sexy with my polka dot apron tied around his waist. Underneath it he wore jeans and a black T-shirt. The casual look was good on him. But the dress pants and shirt he’d worn last night looked good too. As a matter of fact, I thought he’d look hot in just about anything.
As I was opening my mouth to announce my presence, he must have sensed me and turned around. “I saw your recipe book was open to the French toast. I hope you don’t mind that I started to cook without you.” He pointed at the sizzling pan.
Nicolas eyed me up and down. That was when I realized what I must have looked like. I eased my hand up to my hair and attempted to smooth it down. I probably looked like a peacock. I adjusted my shirt from where it had become twisted while sleeping.
“I’m sorry I overslept. You must think I’m a terrible hostess,” I said.
My stomach fluttered at the sound of his laughter. “It’s okay. You had a late night.”
I stepped into the kitchen and stood beside him. He smelled so good, like fresh soap and maple syrup. My knees went weak standing next to him and I thought that I’d collapse into a pile on the floor any second.
“Please let me finish.” I motioned for him to hand me the spatula.
He hesitated and studied me with his gorgeous blue eyes. Was he pausing because he knew my cooking sucked?
Finally, he handed me the spatula. “I really don’t mind. If you’d like to get dressed, then I can finish.”
Hmm. He had a point. I hadn’t even brushed my teeth or my hair. Did I really want to sit across the breakfast table from this gorgeous man looking like a zombie? He smiled again and held his hand out for the spatula.
“Okay. I’ll just go get dressed. If you’re sure you don’t mind?”
He shook his head. “I’d be honored to make breakfast for you.”
That reminded me. Where was Liam? Was he still asleep? I hated to bring up the subject, but I decided to ask anything.
“Where is Mr. Rankin?” I asked.
Nicolas turned his attention back to the food and scooped the toast from the skillet. “He went out. I don’t know where he went. I didn’t ask.”
Hmm. I guessed that was more of an answer than I’d expected.
“I’ll just go change,” I said, motioning over my shoulder.
He flashed a huge smile. For a split moment, something looked different about his appearance, but I couldn’t place it. Whatever I’d thought I’d seen must have been my imagination because as I searched his features again, nothing seemed different. My mind was playing tricks on me.
I rushed back upstairs and slipped into jeans and my favorite cream-colored sweater. It was tight enough to accentuate my curves but not so tight that it looked as if I was trying to impress Nicolas or Liam. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and brushed my teeth.
As I neared my bedroom door, the floorboard in the hallway squeaked. Was it that ghost again? I had to admit I was on edge thinking that there was possibly a ghost in the house. I tried to be tough, but it was a little creepy. Did I dare call Annabelle and tell her what I’d heard? No, it was best if I didn’t tell her. She’d never set foot in the house again. But I had to talk with someone about what was happening.
I eased out the door expecting to see a ghost, but instead came face to face with Liam. He looked dashing in his dark pants and dark blue shirt. His compelling blue eyes, his firm features and the confident set of his shoulders didn’t go unnoticed by me.
“Is everything all right?” I asked.
He looked into my room as I was closing the door. “I just wanted to apologize again for last night.”
“Think nothing of it. It was no big deal, really.” I shrugged dismissively. “Would you like breakfast?

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