Obession by Design

Free Obession by Design by Ravenna Tate

Book: Obession by Design by Ravenna Tate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ravenna Tate
to that.”
    Liane realized there were a lot of
things she’d need to get used to. When she emerged from the bathroom, Emmett
had put the laptop aside but was still on the bed. He patted the space next to
him. “Come and enjoy this. It’s one of Kim’s specialties.”
crawled onto the bed and settled beside him, then accepted a plate.
chocolate raspberry cake. She makes it from scratch.”
    Liane tasted it. “ Mmmm . Fantastic.”
needs coffee, don’t you think?”
    “All right. I’ll have some coffee. I can see
you’re determined to keep me awake.”
leaned over and nuzzled her neck, sending delicious jolts of electricity
straight to her pussy. “If you’re really that tired I’ll let
you go back to sleep.”
I’m not now. Are you even human?”
human as you are.” He put his plate on the bed and took hers, placing it next
to his. Then he cupped her face gently. “You haven’t been treated right, Liane . I mean absolutely no disrespect to Keith in saying
that, but tell me the truth. Have there been any other men besides him and
swallowed hard. “No.”
didn’t think so. You two were just kids, and you had no time together to
explore your sexuality. As for that pig of an attorney, he will pay one day for
what he did to you. Let me show you what it’s supposed to be like. The way a
woman like you should be treated.”
overwhelm me, Emmett.”
a good way, though, right?”
kissed her gently. “You belong to me. I’ve claimed you, and I’m going to show
you what you’ve been missing all these years.”
she let those cryptic words sink in, he picked up his cake again and began to
eat as if it were the middle of the day and they were sitting at a table. She
ate hers, too, because it really was fabulous, and she was hungry. She also
drank a cup of coffee, and then of course she was wide awake.
rang for his staff again, and they didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed to
enter the room and clear the dishes with both Liane and Emmett sitting on the bed naked. Once they were gone, Emmett crossed the
room and retrieved his laptop, a second laptop desk, and a pillow for her, then
settled next to her and signed onto his machine. “Let me show you our progress
so you can see how far we’ve come in a few short weeks.”
    Liane had never had this experience
before. Sitting in bed naked with a man, peering at two
laptop screens. It was sexy in a way, and very intimate. Much more
intimate than she would have imagined sharing time with Emmett would be.
Yesterday, she’d been resolved not to let him seduce her. Now, she never wanted
to leave this room. She was in deep trouble here. Way, way in over her head. And yet it
didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable. She and Emmett might as well have known
each other for years. How was that possible?
He pointed toward a series of windows he’d brought up and cascaded. “Each of
these are the separate databases I was talking about.
The others let me have access to theirs so I can coordinate combining the
information once the database you build us is up and running.”
many of you are there?”
grinned. “Did Tania or Stacie explain what we call ourselves and why?”
are an even dozen. We each live in a city underneath the USA, but rather than
spend time and resources traveling, we use the Internet for communication.” He
opened a text document. “This is the list of names we’ve found at Radcliffe
Enterprises so far that appear on message boards within the various public
access sites, and which also appear on the message boards and sites my hacker
team has been tracking.”
    “Holy shit.” There had to be over three dozen
know. We all missed the boat on this one. Each of my friends now has a similar
document with just as many names, and the lists are growing every day. If it
hadn’t been for Harper

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