Wolf With Benefits
    His fierce expression dissolved into one of shock, then he said, “Shit, Mason, I’m sorry. I thought you were Shi’s parents giving her crap again. They haven’t exactly been friendly.”
    Shiloh covered her mouth with both hands. Whether to stop herself from laughing or screaming, she wasn’t sure. Matt blew out a slow breath then began to chuckle. “Yes, sir.” Another laugh before he added, “No, sir. I won’t brag to Margo about it.”
    Wincing, she edged over to make room when Matt dropped onto the sofa next to her. He widened his eyes at her and mimed hanging himself, but the corner of his mouth kicked into a higher grin.
    “Yeah, I moved Shiloh in yesterday, actually.” For a split-second his expression sobered. “Mason, I’m on her side. I don’t need any other facts.”
    Not for the first time in her life, she wished she possessed the wolves’ acute hearing.
    “I get that, and if they want to give her a hard time—hell, if anyone wants to give her a hard time—they have to go through me.” At his solemn declaration, she put her hand on his leg. She didn’t want him picking a fight for her. When his palm came to rest on hers, she mouthed ‘What are you two talking about?’
    Matt shook his head once. “I hear you. I have no problem with that… Yeah, she’s right here.” He offered the phone to her and she accepted it, but Matt didn’t release the hand he held captive.
    “Hi again, Mason.” She kept her tone solicitous. She’d already stepped in it a few times.
    Laughter underscored his reply. “So, as I was saying, I’ll keep your suggestions in mind. Once we’ve identified the culprits, you will be given an opportunity to confront them directly. We own our actions, both positive and negative. Understood?”
    “Absolutely.” She could appreciate his terms, especially after her own interrogations and subsequent meeting with Mason.
    “That said, Lexi tells me Tiffany invited you to tea-lunch girls-only thing on Thursday.” The fast subject change left her with zero time to recover.
    “Yes, she did.”
    “Excellent. I know Lexi was irritated she wasn’t here for our meeting, but you understood why.” It went without saying, but if Mason had decided to boot her out, he didn’t want his mate taking her cause. Not that she expected Alexis to do so.
    “I did and I will call Mrs. Huston to confirm lunch and tea and girl stuff.”
    “Good. They’ll be having it here.” The information gave her pause. “Matt, if you bring her over, I have some work for you to do while we wait for them to finish. If you can’t, let me know and I’ll make sure she has an escort.”
    Shock piled upon shock. Matt squeezed her hand. “Will do.”
    “Talk to you two later.” Mason didn’t wait for her to agree, he simply hung up.
    “I need more coffee,” she said.
    Matt chuckled. “You didn’t just growl at him.” Though he didn’t seem terribly upset about the faux pas . “And…” He leaned forward and retrieved the white boxes, flipping them open one at a time. “I brought you breakfast. I also have the rest of the day off.”
    Her stomach rumbled, and she tugged her hand from his to steal one of the chocolate crème-filled treats. Biting in, she let out a little groan and caught him staring at her. His smile didn’t waver.
    “What?” she asked around the mouthful.
    “Finish orgasming over your bribe and I’ll tell you.” The lick of promise in the statement sent her unease ratcheting a notch. On the other hand, it was éclairs. She didn’t care how uneasy she was, she planned to eat all—she paused to peer in the box again—six of them.
    “Okay,” she agreed and he smiled. After he brushed his fingers down her cheek, he rose. “Coffee?”
    “Sure.” He grabbed her empty mug and headed to the kitchen. She polished off the first pastry with a moan. The sugar would have her system zinging in no time.
    “Like that, do you?”
    “Oh my God, yes.” She sighed.

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