Wild Desert Princess

Free Wild Desert Princess by Debbie Deering

Book: Wild Desert Princess by Debbie Deering Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Deering
she couldn’t breathe.
    “Yes, I knew. When you went away to University and I received reports that you had taken lovers. I nearly went crazy. You were meant to be mine and I regretted that I had never told you of our betrothal.” He moved to her side, his sole aim to comfort her. He needed her to calm down before her stress had her having a relapse.
    Dr. Khan rushed forward and virtually shoved Jahan and Chia’s parents out the door. “Go!” He bellowed, furious at the three who were supposed to have Chia’s best interests at heart. Damn it, if he’d know about that cursed betrothal contract, he’d have told her a bit more gently, himself so I wouldn’t have come as such a shock to her.
    Chia panted, trying to catch her breath. Her heart was racing. Tears streamed from her eyes. She just didn’t know what she was going to do. She had married Jahan of her own free will. No one had forced her. They had tricked her and for that she might never forgive any of them.
    Everything her parents had spouted about her finding true love had been pure nonsense. She felt manipulated and betrayed.
    Dr. Khan placed the oxygen mask over her face and gave her a shot to calm her down. He was worried at the spike in her blood pressure. The continuous stress to her system could very easily cause her to miscarry. Lord help them if that happened. The three of them would have to carry the equal share of the blame.
    “Chiandra, take slow deep breaths,” he urged. His head nurse rushed into the room, her face concerned, her manner all business and efficiency.
    The quickly stripped off her ivory dress and put her hospital gown back on her. Together they worked on Chia until the sedative took effect and she was able to breathe without the oxygen. Dr. Khan did an exam, relived to note she was not cramping or spotting. “Nice and easy. Chia, think of your child,” he soothed.
    For over two hours they monitored Chia until Dr. Khan was satisfied the danger was gone.
    Nodding at the nurse, he left her to watch Chia and stepped out and headed to the waiting room. Coldly furious, he forced himself to calm down before he insulted two of his country’s most powerful rulers. He took a minute to observe the three. Jahan was pacing, his face creased with worry. Amanda was sniffling in Malek’s arms, his own eyes moist.
    Jahan glanced up when the doctor walked in. “How is she?” he demanded hoarsely.
    Khan raised an inky brow at his imperious tone. “She’s stable for the moment. We’ve sedated her again and she’s off the oxygen.”
    “Thank God,” Amanda breathed.
    “How does this affect her being released on Friday?” Jahan continued, his thoughts fluctuating between Chia and how her stay in the hospital was going to impact his meeting. He had to travel north and he would be gone for at least two or three weeks. With things so strained between them, he needed time to win her over. If he left before they could work it out, she would have time to brood and she might never come around.
    “At this point, I just don’t know. For now the only visitors she may have are the ones she asks for.” He tossed at them, his anger at Jahan’s apparent callousness rising. He well realized the responsibility Jahan carried. He had expected him to be more concerned over Chia’s welfare and the horrible hurt they had just inflicted on her. He acted as though it were of no consequence and she would eventually get over it and come around to his way of thinking.  If it weren’t for the undisputed fact that Chia’s life and that of her child’s were in danger, he’d enjoy seeing his prince put in his place.
    A certain amount of arrogance was to be expected in such a powerful position, especially in one so young. Yet Jahan’s went far above the acceptable. No one had dared gainsay him in too many years and he expected his own way in everything. Dr. Khan thought it might do the young ruler a world of good to be taken down a couple of notches and he

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