Desire Part Two (The Desire Series Book 2)

Free Desire Part Two (The Desire Series Book 2) by Ava Alexia

Book: Desire Part Two (The Desire Series Book 2) by Ava Alexia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Alexia
and he felt better for it.
    “Whit, please!” she exclaimed.
    Maddie was writhing in ecstasy and desire was racking her body. Whit moved over her and plunged into her. Whit pumped into her so vigorously that Maddie could have sworn that their sexual play was rocking the plane. Both he and Maddie reached their peak together in a climatic explosion. Maddie slowly descended to earth more satisfied than ever in her life. Maybe it had something to do with making love in the heavens that gave her such a feeling of exhilaration and then contentment. She wasn’t sure but she knew that it was something that she wanted to repeat. Maddie smiled as she finally allowed herself to face a very startling fact: she had fallen in love in Whitman Lampier. She probably started loving him when he remodeled her cubicle office. It was his sensitivity to her feelings of being kicked to the curb and his wanting to make her feel better about the situation. She was also drawn to him because of his passion for interior design. He hadn’t just bought a business and turned it over to someone to run. He had educated himself about design and become fully invested with its success. He was charming, savvy, intelligent and so very handsome. He was everything she wanted in a man and he was lying right next to her. How could she not fall in love with him? She turned into Whit’s embrace and cuddled with him. 
    “That was fantastic,” she murmured.
    “Indeed it was. I can’t wait to love you again,” he whispered.
    Love? Maddie’s heart began to race. She had to calm down and not get ahead of herself. Saying the word probably meant nothing to him, although she was surprised that he used it. Was love what he was feeling toward her? Or was his use of the word purely innocuous? She shouldn’t make something out of nothing. Let it go. It didn’t mean anything. She dismissed it and recalled a subject she’d been meaning to ask him.
    “Whit, remember when you canceled our dinner date,” she said.
    Whit tensed and Maddie felt his body stiffened. She wondered why.
    “What about it?” he answered cautiously.
    “You never explained why you canceled. What happened to cause you to break our plans?” she asked.
    “Something came up. I needed to attend to it,” he said vaguely.
    “That’s what you said then but it didn’t explain anything,” she murmured sleepily.
    Maddie yawned and her eyes drifted shut. Whit sighed in relief. With any luck she would fall asleep and he wouldn’t have to answer her. He remained quiet. Soon Maddie was sleeping soundly. Whit eased himself from the bed and pulled on his pants. He stood by the window and looked out at the scattered clouds lazily floating by. Maddie was curious but hopefully she would forget about it. He frowned fiercely as he recalled the reason he had canceled with Maddie. Raquel had made it clear about her intentions should he not go along with her plans. He had ignored her calls and avoided seeing her the past week. She had no idea that he had left town and he had sworn Tina to confidentiality. No one else knew that he was going to Aruba. He needed time to sort things out. The best solution was to pay Howard the money back. But he just didn’t have four hundred million dollars lying around his house. He had to find a way to raise the money and not bust his company into shreds in the process.

Chapter 5
    Raquel took another turn about her father’s study in his extravagant townhouse. She was restless and angry. Whit had ignored her calls and she hadn’t heard a peep out of him. Surely he was not foolish enough to think that she was bluffing. She did not bluff. Raquel stopped pacing long enough to pour herself a shot of Vodka. She downed it in one gulp then poured herself another. She swallowed it then slammed the glass onto the bar. She began pacing again. Howard Fleming sat in his favorite burgundy winged back chair by the long window and watched his daughter. He knew her moods so well and surmised

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