Reawakened (Chronicles of Cas Book 1)

Free Reawakened (Chronicles of Cas Book 1) by E. M. Moore

Book: Reawakened (Chronicles of Cas Book 1) by E. M. Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. M. Moore
shifter almost got him. If it wasn't for the fact that I jumped in front of him at the last second, it would've been him. How could I have been guardian in Salem after that? He wouldn't be able to trust me."
    I took a second to mull that over, but it didn't even take me that long to know that his logic sucked. "I can't speak for Damen, but you guys were best friend. He trusted you with his life."
    His eyes hardened. "You're right. You can't speak for your brother. Bottom line is, I'm a wolf shifter. I left. Sorry to disappoint you."
    Footsteps creaked the old floorboards behind us. I bit down on my lip to keep quiet. Frankie came around the other side of the bed with a mug of what I was sure was some sort of magical concoction that probably healed anything and everything.
    "I can't thank you enough, Frankie," I said.
    He instructed Jake to drink the entire cup and then he looked back at me. "What in the world is happening? I've been getting more and more business from magical beings. It's alarming. All I've heard is that everyone is acting out of character. And of course, it's gone around and around how you killed Eddie."
    "I wouldn't have if I could have avoided it."
    He waved me away. "I know, dear. Of course."
    I launched into the entire spiel about the ley line. How we tried to fix it--well, how I tried to fix it--and failed. Told him what I knew from Green Eyes without telling him where the information came from. Something told me that the information gained from the fae wouldn't have been very well received if he'd known where it came from.
    "Well, I think I might be able to help, young guardian." I blinked and watched as Necromancer Frankie's lips split into a huge grin. "You heard that right. There's still some fight left in these old bones."
    Nothing worked fast in the magical world apparently. Necromancer Frankie said he needed some time getting a special concoction from a nearby fae clan. He knew he could get it, but it would just take time. He also wanted Jake to spend the night at the clinic so he could watch over him. I drove back to Chestnut Street with a heavy heart, which broke even further when I opened the SUV door in the garage. Lonely howls came from the basement.
    I let Liam free. What else could I do? It wasn't as if I was going to get any sleep tonight anyway, but I really wasn't going to if he stayed. Before he left, I told him what happened. I told him to stay out of trouble or he'd have to deal with me. With as tired and sore as I was, I hoped I sounded convincing enough.
    The house was quiet after that. I placed the amber stone back in its hiding place and moseyed up to bed and laid down, thankful that Jake and I were alive.
    At some point during the night, Grandpa came and visited me. It wasn't the first time he'd done this. The bed depressed at my feet and not fully asleep, my eyes flew open. He was just as I remembered him. Tall, sinewy as if there wasn't an ounce of wasted space on his body. Even as an old man, he'd been tough. It wasn't until Dad put him in the nursing home that he'd started to deteriorate. I hated my dad for that.
    "Hey, Pumpkin."
    I blinked a few times, adjusting to the light and wanting to be able to see as much of him as I could. He was full-bodied, but just not as real as the rest of us were. "Hi, Gramps." I twisted to my side and propped my head up in my hand. "I've really messed things up, haven't I?"
    "I'm not going to lie, things could be better."
    My lips curved into a smile even though heat threatened behind my eyes. "I wish Damen were here."
    He reached out and pat my hip. Despite his less than whole appearance, I felt the gesture just as strong as if he were actually alive and doing it in real life. "Damen's a wonderful Guardian, but you are, too. This can be fixed, and you're the one to fix it. Let your guards down, Pumpkin. You can do this. You're a Marston, just like the rest of us."
    "But Grandpa--"
    "You're strong. Believe in yourself. Believe in your

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