More Than a Game

Free More Than a Game by Kate Goldman

Book: More Than a Game by Kate Goldman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Goldman
my defense details and wait. The preliminary hearing is set for two weeks from now. The district attorney will present the evidence against me to a judge, who will decide if there is enough to even continue to trial,” he said.
    “So, the D.A. doesn’t have the final say-so whether you go to trial then?” she asked.
    “No. He still has to show a judge that he has a strong enough case that it warrants the court’s time. There is a chance that it might end there. That’s what we are hoping for,” he said.
    “Surely the footage your attorney reviewed will be enough,” she said.
    “It may not even be reviewed at that point. It is up to the D.A. to submit proof I committed a crime. That evidence only shows that I didn’t, so it is likely that he won’t bring it forth as evidence since it doesn’t support his case. He’ll just introduce what he feels proves his case and we will have a chance to see what he plans to present so we can further prepare my defense if the case proceeds to trial. My lawyer had to explain it all to me. It’s a strange system you have here.”
    “I’ve never had to endure it, first-hand. I’ve heard that it can be quite frustrating and confusing,” she told him.
    “There’s something else and if you tell me no, I will tell him no. It may not even be necessary.”
    “What’s that?” she asked.
    “You might be asked to testify on my behalf.”
    “Testify to what? I’m hardly an expert on the matter. I saw what everyone else saw and what can be seen on the videotape of the incident,” she said, puzzled.
    “No. You would be testifying as a character witness. What I’m like as a person. My demeanor after the incident. You were with me the night it happened,” he said.
    “Of course. I hadn’t considered that. Absolutely, Shane. I’ll do whatever I can if you need me to,” she told him.
    “Thank you,” he said, obviously not happy that he had to ask her to do something that he knew would push her out into the public eye.
    “No need to thank me, Shane. You’ve done so much to help me. It’s the least I can do,” she said.
    “You don’t owe me anything for my help with the game. It’s been my pleasure since the moment I laid eyes on you,” he told her.
    “I don’t know what to say to that. I do enjoy spending time with you too,” she said.
    “That seemed like a very formal response. Are you sure you are okay with what I asked? I will completely understand if you don’t want to do it.”
    “What? No. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound that way. Of course I will help you if you need me.”
    “Then what is it? There is something you are holding back. I can feel it, but I don’t know if it has to do with me or with you.”
    “It’s nothing. Just something I need to work through on my own.”
    “Nothing has to be on your own, Leslie. Look, I don’t want to push anything too hard, especially not now, when I’m not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I really like you. I enjoy being with you. I’d like to continue doing so as much as possible.”
    “Me too,” she said evenly, looking him in the eye.
    “Then we will just play things by ear and see where they lead us. Perhaps once all of this is over, we’ll find that we are on the same page, whatever it might be.”
    “Okay,” she managed, not sure what she was supposed to say.
    She felt flushed and her heart was racing. The conversation had taken on an intensity that she hadn’t expected. Despite knowing that she was developing feelings for him, she just wasn’t sure that she was ready to have them. Yet, there was a part of her that wanted to just let herself go and let things fall wherever they may. It was so much easier said than done. Why was it too easy to live in your head and ignore your heart?

Chapter 11
    “Have you seen the news?” her boss asked the following day at work.
    “Is this a

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