
Free Shattered by S. L Smith

Book: Shattered by S. L Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. L Smith
out.  Sitting on the front counter next to the flower s was a pint of cookie dough ice cream and a snickers bar.  These girls knew me all too well.
    I took one last look at the flowers and the shop to make sure everything was locked up tight and grabbed the ice cream.  I am glad I only live ten minutes from the shop because I was ready to inhale my dirty little habit. Then maybe I could let go and let the tears fall.
    Chapter 7    
    I felt better walking to work on Friday.  Last night I allowed myself to eat every bit of my little treats while soaking in the tub.  Feeling more like myself I took hold of my day.  We where slammed with walk-ins all day.  My eyes kept drifting back to my flowers, the thought of maybe was a constant reminder of what I could get myself into but my subconscious was taking up my better judgment.  The girls never once brought up Caleb or the flowers.  I think deep down the girls knew that I was struggling with feelings that I haven’t felt in a very long time. After the lunch crowd left the shop seemed to slow down a lot.  It gave us a chance to catch up on our daily duties and plan a little for the expanding shop that was coming up in less than a few weeks. 
    As we were going through some plans the front door chimed and I felt a sense of knowing.  I turned around and was staring at the one person that I have longed to see for a very long time. The face is the same as mine, the only difference is the big shit eating grin that laced hers and the surprised shock that laced mine.
    I got up from my chair and pretty much ran to my twin sister.  Just holding her in my arms seemed to make the world a better place.  “I figured you needed a hug from someone that truly loves you for you.” Squeezing the air right out of me Renee said.
    “What are doing here? Not that I am not grateful but I am shocked.”I let go of her just to get a good look at her.  She has always been a better dresser and much classier than me.  The only difference was that I was the only one with hair talent.
    My sister was dressed in snug blue jeans, a black sweater and black boots that came to her knees.  Her hair was pulled back in a low pony tail. “Well I figured I needed some new high lights and a trim.  Nothing too short, I still want to keep some length to it.”  I knew she was lying by the look in her eyes. But I was not about to push her.  I wanted her here no I needed her here. “Who called you?” I eyed her when I asked to see if I could tell if she would tell me the truth. “No one, cant a girl just come and see her baby sister when she fills like it? Plus I need my hair done. Ok?” For now I was going to let this go, but I am pretty sure she wouldn’t drive three hours just to come and get her hair cut because I normally only cut it around Christmas. So I think I am going to let it slide, plus I can’t be mad at the girls for calling her. I need my sister.
    “So are you going to ask me to sit down or are you going to just stand there and give me the evil eye?” She started heading for my chair hugging each one of the girls on the way. “Sooooo who got the pretty flower? Kris did your husband forget something again?” At her comment we all started laughing and Kris just snorted.  My sister is a very blunt outspoken woman who doesn’t let anything or anyone get in her way.  That’s what makes her such a great divorce attorney.
    She has been one for a little over five years and is very good at it. The city of Austin has treated her well these last years.  Sitting her down in my chair I get started on cutting her hair. “Would you please stop with the whole little sister thing?  It was only five minutes and if it wasn’t for the fact that I kicked your ass out first, I would have been born first so please enough with your crazy baby sister crap.  And secondly the flowers are mine like you didn’t know.  So are you going to tell me which bratty

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