The Training of Fallen Angels

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Book: The Training of Fallen Angels by Kendal Grahame Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendal Grahame
their hard cocks into her willing sheath during that wild orgy last night. And when Janet had used that huge dildo on her – no wonder that she ached.
    Lisa reached over and turned on the bath taps. As they gushed into life, she smiled to herself as she remembered some of the things that the four of them had got up to in the same bath just hours previously. She reached for a small, blue bottle and tipped some of the contents into the steaming water. The perfume filled her senses immediately. It was strong but subtle, and clearly very expensive.
    A tingling sensation between her legs told her that the cream was already working its magic. She blessed the day when she’d discovered it. No more razors, with their attendant dangers. A quick dip in the warm water and all traces of pubic stubble would be gone.
    She clambered into the bath and allowed her body to slide against the smooth marble until just her head was above the scented water. The steam began to cloud the mirrors that covered every wall. Lisa closed her eyes and ran her hands lazily over her body. Not for the first time in just a few hours did she feel that she had found heaven.
    She heard the bedroom door close with a bang. ‘Janet?’ she called, her ears straining to hear a reply. There was none, just the firm padding of footsteps on the thickly piled carpet. ‘Janet, is that you?’
    The bathroom door opened. ‘Where’ve you been?’ continued Lisa, ‘I was –’
    The intruder wasn’t Janet. Instead of her friend, Lisa found herself confronted by an exceptionally tall black woman dressed in a bright red corset which appeared to be made of leather. It was drawn in tightly at the waist, the effect being to accentuate the size of her huge, naked breasts and the broad sweep of her hips. Her only other apparel was a pair of red panties of similar material and black, shiny boots which covered her long legs almost to the crotch.
    ‘Who are you?’ Lisa demanded as she sat upright in the bath and instinctively covered her breasts with her hands.
    The impressive figure stepped forward. She smiled broadly, flashing a row of dazzlingly white teeth. The smile did nothing to quell Lisa’s feelings of apprehension. The expression in the newcomer’s eyes was cold and stern. ‘Do not conceal such wonderful prizes,’ said the woman. She reached out and took hold of Lisa’s arms and firmly tugged her hands away from her breasts. Lisa looked down, as though she was ashamed of their nakedness. The newcomer gazed at the heaving mounds hungrily. Lisa shivered uncontrollably, despite the warmth of the water. The woman released her grip of her arms and stepped back.
    ‘My name is Heidi Stone,’ she said, proudly, ‘but you will call me Madam Stone. I am your guide, your mentor and, above all, your instructor.’
    ‘Instructor? I don’t understand. I thought that we –’
    ‘Before you can teach you must learn.’
    ‘I don’t mean any disrespect,’ said Lisa, her confidence returning, ‘but I don’t think you could teach us much that we haven’t already experienced.’
    The woman smirked unkindly. ‘I observed your performance last night, and that of your friend. Believe me, young lady, you have much to learn. Now, out of the bath, dry yourself off and join me in the bedroom for your first lesson. Quickly!’
    The tone and abruptness of Madam Stone’s voice demanded immediate acquiescence. Lisa climbed out of the bath without a second’s thought and grabbed a towel. Madam Stone turned sharply and strode out of the bathroom. Lisa watched her go, noting the firm swell of her jutting buttocks and the thin sliver of red leather that disappeared into the dark cleft between the sumptuous globes. Despite her feelings of nervousness and not a little anger, she felt an immediate lust for this powerful woman. Lisa had always felt a strong sexual attraction for black men and women, a magnetism that she found it difficult to control. There had been many times in the past

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