Beneath His Darkness (Healing Hearts #3)

Free Beneath His Darkness (Healing Hearts #3) by Renee Dyer

Book: Beneath His Darkness (Healing Hearts #3) by Renee Dyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Dyer
She obviously cares for him.  I see how torn up she gets over him.  I can’t say I understand it because he definitely doesn’t look at her the same way.
    She is a filler for him.  She looks good on his arm.  Pictures are always being snapped of the beautiful couple they are.  He soaks up the attention and then tosses her aside when they’re out of the spotlight.
    Who or what the hell broke her and made her feel like she is a rug to be walked on?
    Shit, he doesn’t just walk on her.  He gets his boots muddy, clomps in and stomps all over her.  And she lets him.
    I let the anger I feel for that bastard push our kiss further, let my tongue slide into her mouth, feel the shiver that runs through her.  We both need this connection tonight.  I need to forget the taint that Davyd seared into me and she needs to have a man want her.
    Ever so gently, like the whisper of the wind on your skin, I run my fingers across her skin as I break away from our kiss.  My eyes stay locked on hers.  “You are so beautiful, Vic.”
    Her breath hitches.  There is indecision in her brown eyes, but the pain is what I see the most.  She’s lost and wants someone to find her.
    “Tell me what I can do to make you feel better,” I say, keeping my voice low.
    My fingers stay curled against her cheek, my other hand holding hers.  My eyes implore her to speak the truth.  Her mouth opens once or twice, but no sound escapes.  I understand how hard it is to admit your truest desires to someone.
    I lean forward and give her a gentle peck on her soft lips.  It’s brief and when I pull back, her eyes are still closed.  I’m not sure whether she’s relishing the moment or hoping I’ll be gone when she opens them.  Either way, it’s truth time.
    “It’s okay, Vic.  Anything you say here is okay with me.  I’ll do whatever you want.  No judgment.  No anger.”
    When her eyes open, the sadness is still there, but passion is swirling in her dark depths, too.  I squeeze her hand and she gives me a weak smile.  The sound of her swallowing is audible in the space between us.
    Once more, I ask, “What is it you want, Vic?”
    “You, Grant.  God help me.  I want you.”
    She can no longer look at me and she doesn’t need to.  I scoop her into my arms and carry her into my bedroom.  Her arms wrap tightly around my neck and her tension pistons through my body.  As much as I would like to hammer into her, rid my mind of what transpired in my home earlier in the evening, I know I need to be tender.
    The light from the other room filters in, giving just enough illumination to see her gorgeous face as I lay her down.  I see the anxiety and anticipation.  I know she wants this as much as I do.
    Before we lose any clothing, I need to taste her again.  I’ve waited so long to kiss her and the little bit on the couch wasn’t nearly enough.  So, I claim her lips with mine.  I don’t care that she lives with Tucker.  It doesn’t matter how gentle I’ll be taking things with her tonight.  She will come to find out that things will be done the way I say to do them.
    With my plans for her in place, I run my hands down the front of her body.  Her long neck is something I’ve admired for months.  It’s graceful and meant to be nipped at.  Her breasts are the perfect size, round and firm, always teasing me, screaming out for me to grip them, get them naked, flick at those pink nipples.  Her flat stomach, I’ve seen it in the gym too many times and now it’s all here for me to have my way with.
    My cock is throbbing with the mental imaging I’m throwing at it.  Enough is enough.  She has too much clothing on.  I’m rock hard and my jeans are far too restrictive.
    Her hands run up my back as I shimmy her shirt up and over her breasts.  The creamy lace bra she has on is transparent and her nipples show through the sheer fabric.  With no thought of what she likes, I dip my head down and give each one a light bite.

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