Burn: Outlaw Romance (Hotter Than Hell Book 3)

Free Burn: Outlaw Romance (Hotter Than Hell Book 3) by Holly S. Roberts

Book: Burn: Outlaw Romance (Hotter Than Hell Book 3) by Holly S. Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly S. Roberts
Tags: General Fiction
chair. Red surprises me when she makes a high-pitched keening noise. Either she’s playing my game or she’s actually afraid.
    Here goes every karma point I gained by saving Kiley.
    I grab a fistful of Red’s hair. “You betrayed our club and placed every member in danger.” Red tries to look at Sofia, but I force her attention back to me. “It’s just me and you, Red. Nothing she can do. Every man in this club needs to hear you scream.”
    Red actually rolls her eyes. “Just fucking do it.”
    Keeping my fingers gripped in her hair, I move slightly behind her and slide the knife up to her cheek without breaking skin. I need this to bleed and it needs to scar. If the brothers think I go too light, it’s all for nothing.
    “You fucking bastard,” Sofia growls.
    I offer a tight smile. “Who else knows about Fox’s death and where you are?”
    Sofia presses her lips together and turns her head away. Red remains quiet when I add more pressure with the knife. “Skull, see that she watches this.” I nod to Sofia.
    Skull has an old lady he cares about. The two of them had planned to rescue Kiley, but I stepped in before they put their plan into action. Now he’s my VP. Whether he likes it or not, this is part of his job. I hope he understands this is the only way to save Red. Fox would slit Red’s and Sofia’s throats without a second thought.
    Skull moves behind Sofia and grabs her head between his large hands forcing her to look in my direction. I left the door open so the brothers would know what’s happening in here. I want them to hear Red scream. “Make it good, Red, and the second cut won’t be as bad,” I say as I make a precise, three-inch cut down her face. Her scream startles me even though I asked for it. Perfect. I sheath the knife and walk over to Sofia. In one strong tear, I rip her shirt open, take my knife out, and cut it all the way off. She still refuses to speak and her eyes continue shooting fire. The rapid rise and fall of her breasts is the only other sign that this is having an effect on her.
    I carry the shredded material over to Red and press a section of the shirt to the wound. She hisses when I do it. The cut will require stitches and it’s exactly what I intended. She’s breathing hard. I give her a moment to calm down. There’s a steely light in her hazel eyes when she looks up at me. I palm the uncut side of her face and force her head in Sofia’s direction.
    “Who knows you’re here?” I ask again.
    Sofia remains stoically quiet.
    I force myself to smile as I trail the dull side of the knife ever so slowly down Red’s throat until I’m at the top of her breast. She’s wearing a low-cut black tank top. I turn the knife. This cut isn’t as deep, but Red lets out a bloodcurdling scream all the same. I’m at my limit for this and hope like hell it doesn’t show in my expression.
    Sofia’s face remains equal parts fury and hatred. “No one knows I’m here, you fucking bastard,” she sneers. “You want to cut someone up, try me. I’ll scream all you fucking want. Does that get your dick harder, asshole?”
    Relief slides through me. Hopefully what I’ve done will save Red’s life. The cut on her breast won’t require stitches. Red knows she’s getting off easy even if Sofia doesn’t realize it.
    “Why should I believe you?” I ask as I run the dull side of the blade back up to Red’s unmarred cheek.
    Sofia’s angry expression stays in place. “Because I don’t have a fucking person in this entire goddamned world who gives a fuck about me. No one. I’m a byproduct of a drugged out mother and the asshole you killed.” The desolation rolls off her in waves. I believe her. I glance at Skull and he nods.
    My attention returns to Red. “Some of the brothers will still want you dead. Lay low for a few days. Skull and I will have your back. I’m doing everything I can to save your ass, Red, so in the future, keep your fucking mouth closed about club business.

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