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Book: Screwed by Laurie Plissner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Plissner
abortion in principle, I feel that under the circumstances, an exception must be made. We live in a small town, and we are very active in our church. A baby out of wedlock would destroy us.” Betsy was breathing hard and her face had broken out in red splotches. “We cannot have Grace flouting our values in front of everyone.”
    “Mrs. Warren, while I appreciate your discomfort, I think there are many more important things to consider than whether a few people might look askance at your daughter’s unfortunate situation. She is neither the first nor the last teenager to face such a decision, and whether or not the folks at your country club will judge you harshly based on the fact that your daughter engaged in premarital sex and got pregnant is, I think, irrelevant at this moment.” Dr. Ryder thought but did not say that having an abortion merely to save face was pretty much the ultimate in flouting one’s values.
    Dozens of furious mothers had passed through the clinic, but there was a wild look in Mrs. Warren’s eyes that was disturbing. Praying Mrs. Warren wasn’t carrying a weapon in her oversized handbag, Dr. Ryder waited for the inevitable firestorm response, one hand resting protectively on Grace’s shoulder.
    “I brought my daughter to this clinic for a simple medical procedure, not a counseling session, so I would appreciate it if you would keep your words of wisdom to yourself. You know nothing about my life, and I don’t need a graduate of some low-end medical school who can’t be more than thirty, with no children of her own, telling me how I should deal with
    Out of all the clinics she could have chosen, Betsy wondered how she had the bad luck to choose the one occupied by a big-mouthed, know-it-all busybody. All she wanted to do was undo Grace’s misstep and never speak of it again.
    Willing herself to remain calm, Dr. Ryder spoke quietly but firmly. “Part of the process is to explore the patient’s options, and I am merely trying to provide a neutral perspective in what I know is an emotionally charged situation. Ultimately the decision belongs to Grace, and I am simply doing my job by providing her with as much information as I can.” She paused and took a breath. “By the way, for your information, I am thirty-four years old, I have a six-month-old daughter, and if you consider Harvard Medical School low end, well, so be it.”
    Turning to Grace, Betsy spoke through gritted teeth. “Grace, you have conducted yourself in an appalling manner. Your father and I are devastated that you would do this to us. At this point, your only concern should be to make this go away before all of our lives are ruined. There is really nothing to discuss. Do you understand me?” Betsy took a step towards the examination table and Grace recoiled, the tissue paper crackling loudly.
    Genuinely afraid for Grace’s safety once she and her mother left the clinic, Dr. Ryder wondered whether she should be calling social services about this woman. “Mrs. Warren, if you would please return to the waiting room. I need to finish Grace’s exam, and this conversation isn’t getting us anywhere.”
    Without a word, Betsy stormed out of the room, slamming the door so hard that the framed diplomas on the wall shook. “I’m so sorry, Dr. Ryder. She’s just really mad at me, and ….”
    Dr. Ryder held up one hand. “You don’t need to apologize for your mother. You have no control over her behavior.
so sorry that you’re facing all of this with no support system. Do you have anyone to talk to about this? Going through a crisis like this alone is not a good idea.”
    “I have a best friend, Jennifer, who knows everything, and she’s been great. She told me to get an abortion without telling my family. I should have taken her advice.” Grace smiled sadly. Jennifer’s prediction was proving itself correct at every turn.
    Sometimes this job was so difficult. The actual practice of medicine was

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