she swore and spat into the sink. It took a lot to get an ex-stripper drunk, but cheap vodka did the trick. She poured herself a glass of water, popped too aspirins and drank it down in one go.
So Chase was gone. He’d told her to delete his number as far as she could recall. It probably wasn’t the first time, but he’d been serious. She’d pushed it too far, wanted him too much.
It was over.
The phone rang on the kitchen counter and the jackhammer went wild.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up,” she grunted at it, then snatched it up.
“Lo?” She managed.
“Is this Mrs. Ross?”
“No,” she retorted, “it’s Miss McDonald. Who’s this?”
“Miss McDonald, we’re calling about your mother.”
“What now? Pork chops again?” She laughed at herself in spite of the pain, but stopped. This made no sense. Her mother had disowned her the last time they’d spoken.
“Ma’am, I’m calling to inform you that your mother passed away last night at around 2 in the morning. I’m sorry.”
“I – I. Thank you.” She hung up and dropped to her knees on the kitchen tiles, holding her cell to her chest like a baby. Mama was gone.
She’d never gotten a chance to prove herself, to make her mother see the truth or love her like a daughter. Slivers of Emily’s heart broke off inside, one for Mama, one for Chase. She was held together by string, a puppet and she’d never be in control.
There was no one to call.
For the first time, she was truly alone.
She picked up her cell and typed a message.
Mother dead. Please come.
It sent a second later, it took a minute to get off the floor, and ten for the knock to come at the door. It was unbelievably quick. He’d made it in record time unless he’d been in the neighborhood.
Emily opened the door, turned and walked to the sofa, then lay down.
“I came as soon as I got your message,” Joseph said, hurrying to her side. “I’m so sorry, Emily, are you all right?”
She shook her head, mute. This was her final consolation. A man who’d tried to force himself on her. There were dark times, and then there was this.
She’d thought of an abyss before, with Chase, but this was a new kind. There was nothingness in every direction, and invisible shadow chasing her, telling her to give up and despair to hate herself.
That it was her fault.
“Emily, what I can I do for you?”
“Why didn’t you call?” Her kids were the only beacon.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy and I was upset. I’ll be honest, I was out of line the other day, but I was upset that you didn’t even consider giving me a chance. You were rather brusque about kicking me out of here.”
Did he expect and apology from her? She pointed to the document on the table and he retrieved it and read it, mouthing words here and there.
“My life is a shambles, Joseph.”
He replaced it. “We can fight this. Together.” He took her hand and she didn’t have the strength to tell him not to. She was tired of being alone and unloved.
What if he was it? What if this man was her last chance to have somebody who cared about her?
“I don’t have any fight left.” She gasped for air around the wrenching sobs working themselves up her throat.
“Don’t say that. If you need fight, Em, I’ll have it for the both of us. Just let me in.” He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, then gave her a feather light kiss in its place.
“Joseph, please don’t make me do this now. I can’t.”
“Hush.” He placed a finger on her lips and it was soft, like he’d never seen a day of work in his life. “Here’s the truth, Emily. I’m the man who’ll treat you like a princess. I’ll be there for you through thick and thin, if you let me. Isn’t that what you want?”
“Yes, but –”
“No protests. I’ll help you get through this, I would’ve helped you regardless, but I’ll help you