Heart of Danger

Free Heart of Danger by Capri Montgomery

Book: Heart of Danger by Capri Montgomery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Capri Montgomery
tell him who she worked for; she would keep that a secret. “I’m a receptionist basically. I answer calls.” She did a lot more than that and her title was far from being a receptionist but giving him too much information would be a bad idea.
    “The people you work for, who are they?”
    “Oh it’s a small company,” it was small in size, but in reputation it wasn’t small at all. “It’s nothing anybody ever really hears about.”
    “I see,” he spread butter on his bread. “That would not be suitable for me. I am a king here,” he tooted his own horn. “I have so much money; more money than God.”
    She didn’t realize God was in need of currency. She kept that thought to herself.
    “This is the life,” he waved his hand as if encompassing the room and the fixtures in it. What else could she expect from a man with his morals? He murdered people without reservation. He was into drug trafficking. And he kidnapped women—and raped them too. No, she didn’t expect a man with a heart or compassion or enough sense to know that money doesn’t buy everything and that it’s not the most important thing in the world.
    She pushed her salad around on her plate, not really eating any of it. She had suddenly lost her appetite and she wanted to leave the white ivory table so desperately, but she forced herself to stay. No good would come from angering him tonight. She needed to get out of that room; to learn her surroundings, and to buy herself some time.




    Chapter Seven
    “S he wouldn’t wear that,” Micah mumbled. He lay in his hidden position watching through his binoculars as Natalia walked around the estate with Diego Valdez. That slinky dress wasn’t something she would wear. It was cut too low and the hem line was higher up her thighs than she would have gone for which meant the man had picked that dress out for her. They were too late, and something in that thought made his anger rise.
    “What the hell is she doing? Stockholm already?” Alex watched through his own pair of binoculars.
    “No,” Micah kept his voice low. “She’s checking her surroundings. Look at her;” he noticed how she appeared to be taking casual glances around her, but he could see it in her eyes, she was studying, searching, trying to find a way out. She kept up her end of the conversation, but Diego seemed to be doing most of the talking.
    “Why? That place is locked up tighter than the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan.”
    “She doesn’t know that yet. She wants out and she’s looking for ways to get it.”
    He saw one of Diego’s men come to retrieve him. There was an exchange between Natalia and Diego. He would guess Diego was getting ready to make her go inside, but she must have convinced him to let her stay out. He saw her wave her hand in the direction of one of the guards. She probably had told him she couldn’t go anywhere because of his men, and obviously he agreed because he let her stay outside, but he put one of his men on her six and she still didn’t have the space to execute any plan.
    “She’s trying to find an out,” he knew she was smart; he knew she wouldn’t give up. Unfortunately, her trying to get out just might get her killed. They had to get in and get out. From what Preston had spotted there was one room with bars on the window. They assumed that would be where Diego kept his female prisoners until he was ready to get rid of them, which meant that’s where Natalia was being kept. That room was in the rear of the house and the only way in they had found was around the side, near a patio area meant for entertaining a large number of guests. That was their only option and it wasn’t a good one. They would have to get over to the other end of the house around the rear to get to her room. Then they would have to have time to tackle those bars and get her out. There were at least two guards on foot patrol, from what he could

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