Undeniable (The Druids Book 1)

Free Undeniable (The Druids Book 1) by S. A. Archer, S. Ravynheart

Book: Undeniable (The Druids Book 1) by S. A. Archer, S. Ravynheart Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. A. Archer, S. Ravynheart
cleared her head and gave her purpose. Knowing that he believed in her, trusted her, needed her to do her job, and gave her the desire to do her best. The fey depended on Lugh. She did, too. But Lugh depended on her. It was symbiotic. It was the real meaning of being a druidess.
    So with fresh coffee bracing her, a delicious breakfast set beside her laptop at her favorite cafe, and the light of a brand new day streaming through the window, she got down to business.
    As the laptop booted up, London checked her phone. No texts or messages from Selena. Time to get some answers for herself. London logged into her instant messenger, and then opened a chat window with Reggie. For a werewolf, Reggie was a really good guy. She couldn’t take him to dinner any more, for payment of services rendered, not with the fey scent all over her and embedded with that magic within her skin. She’d been around werewolves in the past, since being enchanted, and it could be a hit or miss proposition. Not wanting things to turn uncomfortable, or dangerous, between them, this seemed like the safer route.
    She typed into the messenger, Hey fur-face, got a minute and some hacker mojo you can spare?
    While she waited for a reply, London slathered the jam onto her biscuit and took a contemplative bite. The early sunlight through the cafe window glared on the screen, so she tilted it to a better angle. As she was adjusting the screen, the icon for Riley blinked on, indicating that he’d just signed in. It was just a minute more before his instant messenger window popped up on her screen. Guess what?
    She typed back, What?
    I killed my first werewolf.
    Just then, Reggie’s messenger window flashed with his response. London was glad she wasn’t in a chat room where they could see each other’s replies. That would be seriously awkward.
    London replied to Riley first, How’d that come about?
    Then she switched windows to read Reggie’s message. He’d said, You just love me for my skills with a keyboard, but my hands are good at other things.
    She snorted out loud, and then typed back, Flirt. Sorry babe, I’m not interested in having your puppies. But I could use some help tracking down a vampire. I know how much you love them. Which she well knew was not at all.
    Riley’s window flashed and London left it blinking for a moment while she ate a few more bites. Reggie replied before she could switch over. What vampire? And can I help you hunt him?
    She typed, All I know is that his first name is Derek and that he’s over here from the States on some matter for his sire. But he appears to be freelancing, because he’s said there is a bounty on my blood that he intends to collect.
    Give me a couple of minutes. I’ll check flight manifests… Reggie responded, and London figured he’d be a little bit working on that, so she returned to the conversation with Riley.
    He was the type that sent multiple messages to convey a thought, especially if he didn’t get a reply straightaway.
    So I was checking out some websites, right? And there was this one where it looked like vampires and werewolves have been passing back and forth information on prey, as well as other stuff. A few were looking for fey targets, and someone else gave them a suggestion of where to look.
    Me and Joe went to check it out. And bam! A whole pack of werewolves looking for a meal. And me and Joe being the only things anywhere nearby that even smelled half-way like fey.
    And Joe said it was a waste of time. Pfft. Whatever. But I proved different, so I’m going to high-five myself. *Gives self a high-five, all dorky-like.* We kicked their bums, and the fey are safer.
    London just laughed at the goofiness, as Riley used the asterisks to indicate an action. She returned the IM-speak, *Pats you on the head.* You were a good boy. *Gives you a cookie.*
    Riley returned, *Gobbles the cookie.* So how about you? Any exciting news?
    Reggie’s IM window wasn’t blinking yet, so London

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