The Sadist's Bible

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Book: The Sadist's Bible by Nicole Cushing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Cushing
ye that labour and are heavy
    laden, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28.)
    God delivers those of us who are heavy laden with the yolk of
    existence. He does this through the blessings of decay.
    This is the age of the New Gospel. A clarification of the True
    Gospel. The scribes of the Roman Empire co-opted Christ’s message.
    Re-wrote whole passages of it to serve their own decay-denying
    purpose. Only small fragments of the actual words of Christ and the
    Apostles survived the purge – those quoted above.
    God has decided to interact with the world in a new fashion. After
    Christ’s mission failed, He decided to enter the world through more
    than one portal. A single Mary would not do. Instead, there must be
    one mil ion. Rather than telling people about the blessings of
    degeneration, we must show them.
    Al of the new Marys shall be bound in servitude to their husband,
    the Lord. All of them shall give birth to one monstrous offspring after
    another. This, the Lord has decided, will be the Degenerate Gospel – a
    Living Gospel to be seen and heard and felt and experienced, rather
    than merely read. A Gospel that will create even more Gospels after it.
    A living, breathing testimony to the broken-freakishness of the
    universe! A testimony the world will be unable to avoid!
    If you would like to be a vessel for the True Gospel, all you must
    do is fall to your knees and call out to the angels: “I give my womb to
    the Gospel!” They wil then begin to observe you from behind the
    curtain of infinity. If they deem you degenerate-enough for God’s plan,
    they will bring Him down from His Palace of Abominations to lay with

    This part seemed particularly strange. She didn’t understand all of it, and she wasn’t
    sure she wanted to. She considered tossing the tract in the trash, but decided not to
    because it had used that sentence: “The arc of history is long, but bends towards
    degeneracy!” The last time she’d seen that, the note had disappeared. So she felt uneasy with the idea of just throwing it away.
    Her intuition told her something valuable might be lost if she threw it away. There
    might come a time when she’d need it – if for no other reason than to confirm that she
    had, in fact, seen it. To confirm that she wasn’t crazy. The fact that the sentence had
    disappeared once made its reemergence almost-miraculous.
    She flipped this page, the last, and read the back cover.

    New angels shall be needed to serve as God’s ambassadors to
    humanity. Like conquering worms, they shall wriggle into the ears of
    the public and whisper God’s message for the world. This is not a
    mission without peril. Our enemies will endeavor to slice the angels
    apart. But when they do so, the amputated aspects of our conquering
    worms shal move of their own volition! Thus, in severing us, our
    enemies will only help us grow. Like the hydra, we shall grow. And
    Brokenness, and Freakishness, and the Blessings of Decay and
    Degeneracy shal grow in our wake.

    Then, a final pen-and-ink drawing: a man-sized worm riding a heavily-armored war
    horse into an ancient city. A crowd of well-wishers were depicted in the foreground,
    dressed in robes. They tossed palm branches and flowers at the horse’s hooves. A close
    inspection of the background revealed more sinister images. Men in togas falling on their swords. Women in nooses dangling out of the high windows of distant minarets and
    battlements. A gang of children crouching over the body of a dead dog, devouring it.
    A mailing address (to a P.O. Box in New York) and an email address (to a gmail
    account) were written in smaller print at the very bottom of the back cover. Ellie ignored those, though. Focused, instead, on the war horse and the worm. Traced her acrylic
    fingernail over the lines of that drawing, until she fell asleep.


    When Ellie awakened, she felt hungover. She lay in bed longer

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