The Sadist's Bible

Free The Sadist's Bible by Nicole Cushing

Book: The Sadist's Bible by Nicole Cushing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Cushing
Addicted to drugs
    and addicted to sexual abomination!
    Yes, this is what God WANTS. What He DEMANDS. Because if we
    didn’t suffer such afflictions we wouldn’t need Him. The more
    afflictions we have, the more we need Him. And God DEMANDS that
    we both need Him AND acknowledge our need of Him.
    The more we need Him, the more we pray to Him. First
    Thessalonians, chapter five verse seventeen commands us: “Pray
    without ceasing”. And the only way to pray without ceasing is to be in
    agony without ceasing ; to be unceasingly broken and unceasingly

    At the bottom of this page, there was another pen and ink drawing – this one of a
    Catholic priest performing last rites on a gnarled, emaciated old woman. A family
    surrounded the bedside, kneeling with their heads bowed and hands clasped tightly
    together (as though cuffed in that position).
    The text sounded outrageous. Blasphemous. It countered everything she’d ever been
    taught. Yet, it did quote scripture. And it provided some reassurance to her at an hour when she desperately needed it. All of those aspects of herself that she thought were bad, that God disapproved of, might actually be the very aspects of her that He loved.
    The tract hadn’t yet convinced her. But, in a sense, it did something more important
    than convincing her. It comforted her. She flipped to the next page.

    1. More Scriptural Proof:
    • Jesus compared Himself to a mighty boulder. “Whoever shal fall
    upon that stone shal be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will
    grind him to powder.” – Luke 20:18
    • “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” –
    Matthew 5:5
    • “...if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee:
    for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish...And
    if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is
    profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish...” –
    Matthew 5: 29-30
    2. Scientific Proof
    Science is yet another demonstration of God’s plan for us. The arc
    of history is long, but bends towards degeneracy! We now know
    that the universe started as perfection: a single block of matter, united
    and whole. But then it broke into billions of inferior pieces. From the
    moment we come into existence, we are already broken – a shard
    of a shard of a shard. God’s plan breaks us down even more. If we live
    long enough, our body will break down . As we grow very old, our
    mind breaks down. Then, after we die, we break down even further.
    Time breaks us down, flies break us down, worms break us down until
    we are merely a tight leather shroud around a frame of bone. Until we
    are just bone. Until we are just powder – pulverized when our graves,
    themselves, betray us and shift with the tectonic forces of a spastic

    Ellie didn’t know how long her hand had been trembling. She didn’t know how long
    she’d been taking puffs on her cigarette without tapping off the ash. All she knew is that her thigh was burning. She’d been shaking so violently that she’d flung ashes and cinders onto her jeans. They’d burned a tiny hole through the cotton, and caused a smudge mark
    when she rubbed the ashes off.

    The arc of history is long, but bends towards degeneracy!

    She’d seen that sentence earlier that evening. In the restaurant. At least, she’d
    thought she’d seen it. But here it was again. She stubbed the cigarette out into the ashtray and put both of her hands on the tract. She ran her fingers over it, to make certain it was real. She placed it right under the nightstand lamp, to verify the print said what she
    thought it said.
    It did.
    She moved on to the next page.

    3. Evidence From Your Own Heart’s Yearning
    Look deep into your heart. You want to be little and yielding and
    sick, because this removes you from life’s burdens. (And did not
    Christ, Himself, say “Come unto me, all

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