Outlander (Borealis)

Free Outlander (Borealis) by Ellie Bay

Book: Outlander (Borealis) by Ellie Bay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Bay
to wash each other. Before training, oil
was used on the submissive and the Dom did not bathe. Marcus explained that
post-training or ritual, both Doms and subs bathed together.
    The Doms were naked this time except for odd-looking metal
contraptions on their privates. I wasn’t close enough to tell what it was
exactly, but it appeared that the female Doms wore a metal bikini, a lock
dangling from the front. The male Doms had metal devices around their cocks.
    Marcus set aside his arm gear and belt. When his loin cloth
came off, I gasped.
    My Dom’s cock was caged inside a wicked steel contraption
that coiled around his manhood in a series of seven rings. The coils started
under his balls, then wound around the base of his penis and ended under the
head. “What is that, Dominus?”
    “A chastity device. Doms are required to wear them at all
    Horrified, but also fascinated, I leaned in for a closer
look. The skin of his cock strained against the shiny metallic coils. The
device forced his member to be at an erect position, sitting against his belly
at an angle. It had to be incredibly painful to wear. “Can’t you take it off,
    “No. This is how Doms worship, by denying ourselves the
release of an orgasm. God tortures both submissives and Dominants, just in
different ways.”
    Another brutal idea, courtesy of Boreas. There was a tiny gold
lock looped to the bottom ring. “And God has the key, Dominus?”
    “He does. We are never to be united in that way.” His
words—laced with melancholy—hung thick in the moist air. “Only God can enter
    The idea of Boreas pushing himself inside me was unthinkable.
I formulated a plan and peered into Marcus’s eyes. “Where does he keep the key,
    Marcus slanted his head in warning. “In his bed chamber, but
don’t even consider stealing it. Violation of the chastity code is strictly
enforced for Dominants and would send us both to the Next Place.”
    “Where is that, Dominus?”
    “The Next place is in another dimension.”
    “How do you get there, Dominus? By spaceship, teleportation,
what?” If I knew the types of transportation they had, I would be closer to
getting out of here.
    A cold spot grew in my chest. I winced, horrified with the
primal brutality. The punishment for making love was death.
    “You will get used to it, little sub,” he said, kissing my
    That didn’t seem remotely possible.
    Silently, he waded into the water, his fingers curled around
a bar of soap. “Come on,” he said, extending his hand. “Bathe me.”
    After a dramatic groan of relief I plopped my bare body on
the bed, my legs dangling over the side. “I need sleep.”
    With a seductive cadence, Marcus said, “Not yet.”
    I bit my lip as he ran a towel through his tousled hair.
Watching him do anything, even the most mundane things, was captivating. Each
movement was a tribute to his controlled power and grace.
    “What forms of transportation does Borealis have, Dominus? I
remember being taken in a vehicle that hovered above ground.”
    “Yes, those are roamers. They are only used to transport
guards—or lost residents of the palace—back home.”
    “How far can they go?”
    “All over the planet, I suppose.”
    “How big is Borealis?”
    “I don’t know.”
    I was stunned. “What do you mean?”
    “I don’t leave the palace much. I know God goes out in the
roamers sometimes, but I have never had the need or inclination.”
    I couldn’t believe it. How could someone not want to explore
their own planet?
    “What about space travel or teleportation, Dominus?” I
crossed my fingers hoping they had a way to get me out of here.
    “No, we do not travel outside of Borealis because no
other planet in our universe can sustain life.”
    That didn’t make any sense. “How do you know if you have no
space travel?”
    “God has told us.”
    “So God can travel through space?”
    Marcus sighed. He had tired

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