therapist friend had mentioned Daveâs cancer, wondering if he might want to touch the glove.
Dave was not feeling up to making the trip to Brooklyn, so this wonderful woman offered to come to see them.
âNow to tell you where we live, it is known as Windy Hill,â Cindy said. âOur place used to be a cross country ski resort on top of a high hill that is often buffeted with lake-effect snow, and we were having a very bad blizzard that day. Since it was Christmas Day, the landlord was out of town, so the driveway had not been plowed. We were literally snowed in, yet she offered to come to us!â
At the womanâs insistence, Cindy gave her directions and over an hour and a half later, via cell phone guidance, she arrived covered with snow and bearing a canvas tote.
âWe sat in our living room and she pulled out a wooden box with a little picture of Padre Pio on the top,â Cindy said. âShe gently opened it and took out the picture that was in the box, then a little book, then very gently brought out the glove. At first I was surprised. It was a little tiny brown glove with no fingers in it. It looked like a glove you would see on a homeless person. The funny thing to me was that it was so simple. You would think it would be ornate or at least a little bigger! Padre Pio was a large man. I remembered seeing his slippers when I saw his monk cell in Italy. They were so big!â
The little brown glove had a simple metal cross gently sown onto the top side. Later, when Cindy turned it over, she saw that someone had sown a tiny piece of cloth with a little x in the place that must have been where the hand wound from the stigmata was.
âThe amazing thing to us was the aroma that came from it. Anyone who smelled this rose scent could tell you that it is like no other rose smell you had ever smelled,â Cindy continued. âYou couldnât create it even with the best of oils or perfume!â
Dave and Cindy described the sheet from Padre Pioâs bed as having the same scent, as well. It was kept in a little plastic bag, but the glove itself was not in any container, other than the box. Dave put the glove in his hand and Cindy said you could actually see the calm come over him.
Dave explained what he felt as he held the glove in his hand: âAt first, I just sensed a type of love similar to what I feel when I touch my near-death experience. When I touched the glove I was feeling with my heart and not my mind. I could feel my heart opening up and feeling that light and love. I could feel both Spirit and human emotion because it was a vast amount of unconditional love. It was like going back into the light a little bit, not all the way. In order to come back from a near death you have to accept that light back. And I have been having trouble keeping my heart open and working with my light and love because of the physical fatigue and drug induced emotions. But as I stroked the glove it felt like some of the barriers were just melting away and the light in my heart was just able to open and shine as bright as ever. Well, I could just say that my spirit was singing. Spirit gets in this joyous frame of not mindâbut Spirit. When Spirit is joyous, it feels like a song in your heart and it interacts with your human emotions. It just brings tears to my eyes. It gets you a little choked up. You can feel it emanate throughout your entire body. It isnât just your heart that expands, it expands through the entire bodyâphysically, I could feel it!â
The fact that Dave could âfeelâ the glove was the first hint of the miracle. Dave sat there stroking the glove as their new friend and Christmas angel told the story of the glove in more detail and described how she happened to end up with it. Dave had permanent nerve damage in the hand that could now âfeelâ the glove. He had not had any sensation in it for over six months!
The woman described how Padre Pio
Kat Bastion, Stone Bastion