Christmas Miracles

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Book: Christmas Miracles by Brad Steiger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brad Steiger
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was said to bring so much compassion and insight into his parish confessional that it seemed to aid people in knowing just exactly what it was they needed to confess and release.
    â€œThe funny thing was, that it felt to me, like a little confession of my own—as I held the glove,” Dave said. He found himself talking about his near-death experience, the cancer, and what it was like having it.
    â€œAs she was telling about Padre Pio’s confessionals from the heart, I felt compelled to confess feelings that had welled up within me, but that I hadn’t realized were there,” Dave explained.
    Cindy said when Dave handed the glove to her, she could immediately feel energy coming from the center of it. She felt an indescribable peace. As she handed the glove back to Dave, she took out the piece of sheet from the little bag and was amazed by the rose scent that came from it.
    As Dave continued to share his feelings, the scent of roses grew stronger and stronger until the entire room was filled with the powerful rose scent and with a pervading sense of peace and love.
    After tea and cookies, the Christmas angel was on the phone calling the next person with whom she was about to share the glove, telling them that she was on her way.
    Later that night in bed, Dave told Cindy he could still smell the potent smell of roses. Cindy no longer smelled them until she reached over and touched Dave’s hand. Then suddenly through the physical connection with him, the scent became vivid to her, as well. Cindy said she promptly fell asleep and “missed out” on the rest of Dave’s miracle.
    Dave said the rose scent, still strong, seemed to envelop and maintain him in this peaceful, blissful state. He drifted off to sleep, in a more relaxed state than he could remember in a very long time.
    Then, he said, at 2 a.m. he was awakened to the smell of roses. That scent had become even stronger. It was everywhere and so overwhelming that he started to cry.
    â€œI could feel my heart fully open, and I could feel my light and my spirit shining as bright as in my near-death experience. So, I got up and meditated and just enjoyed taking that energy in,” Dave said.
    It was as though Dave had a spiraling of energy that brought together the elements of his life into a clearer focus and design—of a ministry helping others to know of and to experience this state of grace. Somehow, his near-death experience seemed like the groundwork, the background, to a tapestry woven in anticipation of a Christmas miracle that continues to add golden threads of wonder to the mystery cloth of life itself. Holding the glove of Padre Pio reconnected Dave with the inner peace and love he had touched in his near-death experience, that had been blotted out by pain and medication, troubles and worries.
    â€œSpirit indicated this was to be my future path— working with others who are suffering with a terminal illness. I know it is time to communicate what I have experienced and learned, and now I am using it to cope with my own terminal illness. I am to begin to share it in a more public way,” Dave said.
    Cindy and Dave are hopeful and prayerful that Dave will be completely healed. Dave said he believes that we all have obstacles and experiences that we must overcome and learn from so that we can evolve and grow.
    â€œGod hasn’t abandoned us when things seem tough. It is necessary to see the positive and negative in all I’ve experienced in order to grow. God’s light and love is a part of each of us and we don’t have to go searching for it. We just need to open up to it,” Dave said.
    Even if Dave is not completely healed, Cindy and Dave feel his cancer has brought about a situation that is allowing both of them to come back to their spiritual center. That, in itself, is a wonderful gift.
    When Dave went to his oncologist for the first checkup since just before Christmas, his X rays showed a miracle

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