Unmasking the Wolf

Free Unmasking the Wolf by Christy Gissendaner

Book: Unmasking the Wolf by Christy Gissendaner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christy Gissendaner
Tags: paranormal romance
was no way he would get any sleep with her lying next to him, but for her sake, he could pretend.
    “I’m not going to bite,” he called out.
    She gave him a haughty look over her shoulder. “Of course not. I’m the wolf, remember?”
    Guilt consumed him. How would she react when he told her the truth? He didn’t want to keep it from her, but it was for the best. The less she knew about L-12 the better.
    “I haven’t forgotten.” He watched as she slid under the blanket and pulled it nearly to her chin. He’d known she was young and inexperienced with men, but exactly how innocent was she? It was inconceivable to believe no man had ever touched her. But the looks she gave him right now certainly resembled those of a frightened virgin.
    Her voice was muffled by the blankets when she spoke. “Do you suppose Dominic is okay?”
    He turned on his side to face her. The lighting from the table lamp was dim, but enough for him to see the perfect arch of her cheekbones. The Italian ancestry was evident in her features despite her coloring. “Where do you think he would go to hide out?”
    A grin curled her lips and they spoke at the same time. “The lab.”
    Luke shared her amusement for a moment, but quickly sobered. “He would know better than to go there, I hope.”
    Gina turned on her side, the blanket slipped to reveal the robe covering her. “Why are these men after you? What exactly are you and Dominic working on?”
    He’d known it would come to this. Eventually, he would have to start lying to her, even more than he already was. “We’ve created a new drug. It’s about to go to clinical trials. Apparently, someone wants to get their hands on it.”
    “What sort of drug?” Her dark eyebrows crinkled. “It must be very groundbreaking to cause a reaction like this.”
    He didn’t confirm nor deny her suspicion. Instead, he stared at her, wishing he could see her hair. “In the morning, we’ll get some clothes. I need to contact a few people and see if it’s safe to return to Boston.”
    “What if it’s not?”
    He sighed. He really wished he didn’t have to go into this with her. “I’ll make sure you’re safe, and then I’ll handle it.”
    “Is it dangerous?” Her gaze met his. “This drug you’re working on?”
    “No.” He shook his head. “It’s a good thing. I promise. Now get some sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.”
    Gina lay awake and listened to the even breaths of the man at her side. She’d dozed for a couple hours, but the unfamiliar bed made it hard for her to relax.
    Squinting into the darkness, she checked the time. Two fifteen. She groaned and rolled to her side. Luke lay facing her, his arm outstretched along his pillow mere inches from her hand. He looked different with the casual clothing and a day’s worth of stubble, more virile and manly.
    She ran her gaze down his body. The T-shirt was plastered to his lean body, hard muscles evident beneath the thin cotton. Faded jeans rode low on his hips, the bulge at the crotch making her blush the longer she stared. Thickly muscled thighs strained the denim. Even his bare feet were beautiful, nothing like her stubby toes and low arches.
    She moved her gaze back to his face, startled to catch him awake. He gave her a sleepy smile and flexed his arms in a lazy stretch. “What time is it?”
    “Early,” she whispered. The darkness crowded, surrounding them in a cocoon of warmth. “I couldn’t sleep.”
    He put a hand against his belly and idly rubbed. The hem of his shirt rode up and exposed a strip of tanned skin. Her mouth went dry. Six feet plus of beautiful manhood in the bed with her and all she could do was gape at him like a beached fish.
    Once again, an unfamiliar urge of desire struck her. She wanted to be with him, to feel his skin against hers, his body deep within hers. It would be glorious, no matter if it was her first time. This man called to her primitive senses, the wolf side. Had a

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