
Free RunningScaredBN by Christy Reece

Book: RunningScaredBN by Christy Reece Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christy Reece
Noah had advised that Angela and Jake had checked in and had come up empty also, but he was still waiting to hear from Sabrina and Aidan.
    After talking with Noah, they’d begun their setup for the night. Justin found a stack of wood beneath a tarp and soon had a roaring fire going. Riley rummaged around trying to create something edible with the MREs they’d brought with them. Such a domestic scene made her nervous. Domesticity was not her strong suit. For whatever reason, her training had not included cooking. She tried to not think too hard on the reason for that. Whenever she did, nightmares ultimately followed. Having Justin close-by when gripped by one of them was something she needed to avoid at all costs.  
    After consuming a nutritious but bland meal of beef stew and slightly stale bread, they cleaned up any mess they’d made and then settled before the fire. They were silent, each lost in their own thoughts. Maybe it was her own over-imaginative mind, but Riley thought the room held an air of expectation. How did you start out sharing a nightmare? Especially one that made no real sense?
    She was saved from having to make that decision when their radio crackled with static, and Noah’s tense voice exploded in the room. “Target has been located. Thorne and Fox found the site. We’ll keep communications open.”
    Meaning everyone would be able to listen in on the rescue.
    “By the way, Ingram and Kelly,” Noah said, “the cabin you found belongs to a writer. Deidre contacted him, gave him a few details. He said you’re welcome to use it for as long as you need.”
    “Good to know,” Riley said.
    Aidan Thorne’s voice came through, low and tense. “We’re about to go, McCall.”
    “Stay safe, you two,” Noah answered.
    Riley pushed her personal worries aside as they waited to hear the rescue. Listening to one was so different than being in the midst of it. She held her breath, waiting to hear a go signal. After that, all she and Justin could do was wait and listen—and pray—as the rescue of Taylor Vaughn went down.

Chapter Seven

    Western Italy
    “I don’t like it. They’re too relaxed.” Aidan’s voice was a low rumble, as he spoke into his mic to his partner.
    “They’re in a remote area. Think they’re hidden well. I’d say they’re not worried about being found.”
    “Maybe so, but could be an act.”
    Sabrina made a tsking sound and sighed. “So distrustful of bad guys, Thorne. Where’d that come from?”
    “Guess I’ve known too many of ’em.”
    “Yeah, me, too.”
    “Want to do more recon?”
    “No. Nothing’s changed in the last hour. That guy on the back porch is snoring loud enough to wake the bears. We’d better do this before somebody comes out and gives him the heave-ho.”
    Glad they were on the same page as usual, Aidan went left, Sabrina to the right. The structure was too large to be called a cabin. Nestled within a forest of evergreens, it rose an impressive two stories. Aidan figured Russo probably stayed here on occasion. What he’d give to find the jerkwad here tonight. He gave a mental headshake. Not your mission, Thorne. Rescuing Taylor Vaughn was the only thing they needed to concentrate on. He told himself the same thing that had been sustaining him for years. The bad guys always get what’s coming to them, and some got it sooner than others. He refused to allow himself to believe anything different. If he gave up looking for justice, then he’d lose. Damned if he would lose this fight.
    “Thorne, you copy?” Sabrina’s soft voice came through his earbud, jerking him out of his dark thoughts.
    “Copy, Fox. What do you see?”
    “Two males in the kitchen, playing cards. I can take them by surprise. They’ve got their guns holstered, so shouldn’t have any issues.”
    “Roger that. The guy on the porch is still sleeping. I’ll help him sleep a little longer.”
    “Let’s get this done.”
    “We’ll go on three. Meet in the middle. Watch

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