Keeper of the Phoenix

Free Keeper of the Phoenix by Aleesah Darlison

Book: Keeper of the Phoenix by Aleesah Darlison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aleesah Darlison
“I have an idea.”
    Ash and Taine watched as Rhyll writhed with all her might until her arms were freed from the dragon’s grasp. She tugged her bow from its holster then an arrow.
    Ash held his breath as Rhyll drew the arrow back and fired it into the dragon’s skin. The dragon shrieked in pain and opened her claws, sending Ash and his friends plummeting into the river.


    Ash woke to the sound of Trip growling. Ash lay halfway up the rocky shoreline, just out of reach of the water that lapped the river’s edge. He was soaked through, but the afternoon sunshine on his back felt deliciously warm. Ash lifted his face from the pebbles, opening one eye slowly. His head hurt, his side ached and he had no idea where he was.
    “What’s up, Trip?” he groaned.
    Beside him, Rhyll and Taine stirred.
    Ash laid his head down again, willing himself to go back to sleep.
    “Ah, Ash,” Rhyll’s voice came to him through the haze inside his head. “I think you should see this.”
    “Rhyll?” Ash said groggily. “What are you doing here?”
    He forced himself to open his eyes once more. The sight of his bedraggled companions brought everything rushing back. The dragon. Their fall. Swimming to land, Rhyll helping Taine while Ash swam in circles, searching for the precious basket. Where was Gwaam?
    “Ash!” Rhyll called again.
    He scrambled to his feet, slipping and scrabbling over the wet pebbles. Taine and Rhyll drew closer, as if bunching together gave them greater protection from what stood before them.
    “Who are you?” Ash asked.
    “I am Garamel.”
    “You’re a unicorn,” Rhyll said.
    The unicorn bent his head. “Correct.”
    “Believe Mother’s book now?” Rhyll asked her brother.
    “Yes, well, the evidence is certainly mounting.” Taine shook his head. “This would never happen in Icamore.”
    Rhyll groaned. “Would you stop saying that? I think we already know we’ve left safe old Icamore way behind.”
    “Worse luck,” Taine grumbled.
    Ash couldn’t stop staring at the black shaggy creature with its blood red eyes and shining ruby-like horn, tangled beard and spiked mane. “I don’t think there’s much point arguing about what is or isn’t in that book any more,” he said. “We need to forget everything we’ve ever been told.”
    “I’m assuming you children don’t get out much,” Garamel said, with a bemused tone, glancing from Ash to Taine to Rhyll and back again.
    “Er, no.” Ash soon recovered enough to introduce himself and the others. From the corner of his eye he spied Trip jogging along the shore towards them. In the dog’s mouth was the basket.
    “Thank heavens you’re all right.” Ash bent down to pat Trip. When he saw Gwaam tucked up safely in the basket he breathed a sigh of relief. “Good dog.” He took the basket from Trip and motioned for Gwaam to stay silent, unsure whether he could trust the unicorn.
    “You are in our realm without permission and cannot stay here,” Garamel said. “However, we are more than happy to offer you safe passage through Alizarn. Come, you may meet my companions.”
    “I thought unicorns didn’t like human company,” Rhyll said. “At least that’s what I’ve read.”
    “What you say is true,” Garamel agreed. “You are the first humans seen here for some time so you will be a curiosity. Any more questions before we go?”
    Taine raised his hand. “I have one.”
    “Aren’t unicorns meant to be white?”
    Garamel gave a low chuckle. “How many unicorns have you seen before?”
    “Ah, you’d be the first,” Taine replied.
    “Then how do you know what unicorns look like?”
    Taine frowned. “Good point.”
    “Very well, let’s be off then.” Garamel herded the friends up the beach, his hooves clip-clopping noisily on the smooth rocks beside the shoreline.
    Moments later they stepped into the dense forest that grew alongside the river. Ash smelled the scent of pine needles. It was dark and musty

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