Restart (The Revival Series)

Free Restart (The Revival Series) by Claire Thake

Book: Restart (The Revival Series) by Claire Thake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Thake
to be honest. It feels like ages since I’ve seen them all, and it will be a nice break for the kids as well,”
    “Yeah, I can tell how much you’ve missed her since she moved, it will be nice for you. It’s going to be very quiet with you all gone for that long, but as long as you have a good time. Take the joint account card with you and don’t skimp whilst you are there. Just make sure you all have a good time.”
    Leah was very confused at the change in her husband. For starters, they were sitting down and eating a meal together, just the two of them, and having a civil conversation. They hadn’t done that it what felt like forever. He was also being very generous with money and Leah didn’t know whether to be grateful he wanted them to have plenty of funds to enjoy themselves or suspicious of him being so generous.
    Leah shook her head trying to clear any bad thoughts and took small bites from a chicken ball, dipping it in the sauce between mouthfuls, although not really tasting what she was eating as she was too much in shock over Ryan’s words.
    The rest of the week went passed in a blur of washing and packing, and secret meet ups with Greg in between. Leah had spent the whole week with a grin plastered on her face, and she even had to admit that even though she felt guilty about it all.
    It had also improved her mood so much that life was easier to cope with at home, and the relationship she had with Ryan was improving, or, at least, it seemed to be. Either that or she wasn’t taking things to heart as much as normal, but either way, she felt happy.
    Friday morning came around, and Leah took the kids and Cara's son Oscar to school, before coming home and getting all the cases and things she needed into the car, before driving to the petrol station and filling up in preparation for the long drive she had ahead of her that evening. She could have chosen to go the following morning, but she figured if she went tonight, it gave them a full day tomorrow, and the kids could sleep in the car tonight anyway.
    After getting herself organised for the trip, she drove to Greg's brothers house and parked directly outside. She gave her reflection a quick check in the mirror before jumping out and going up to the door. She felt very unsure pressing the bell. Every time this week, Greg had been standing waiting for her at the door, and he knew she was coming to see him, as she had messaged, but today he was not standing there with his cute smile. Shaking her head, she told herself to stop being silly and to just ring the bell. He probably hadn’t noticed the time that was all.
    After a minute, the door swung open, but it wasn’t Greg’s face looking at her, but his older brother Henry. Leah found herself stuck for words, it had been years since she had seen Henry and didn't know what to say to explain to him as to why she was there.
    "Come in." Henry said bluntly, and turned and walked inside, leaving the door ajar for her. Not wanting to stand on the step like an idiot, Leah, gingerly walked into the hallway and kicked her shoes off by the door.
    "Erm, Henry - Sorry is Greg here?" She asked just as Greg jogged down the stairs, a look of anger on his face. When he reached the bottom, he learned in and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Come on, let's go for a walk," he muttered, and turned and slipped on his trainers.
    Leah followed suit and gave a quick glance at Henry, who stood at the entrance to the kitchen staring at the pair of them, a look of disdain on his face. Leah was taken aback by how similar Greg and Henry were, they had the same eyes and hair both in shape and colour, despite a slight difference in their mouths and Henry having a few grey hairs, you wouldn’t know they weren’t twins.
    Following Greg out of the house, he walked ahead, and they walked in silence and over the road to the small pathway that leads down to the country park, eventually after walking for ten minutes, Greg stopped and

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