Delivered with Love

Free Delivered with Love by Sherry Kyle

Book: Delivered with Love by Sherry Kyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherry Kyle
Tags: About the Quest for Answers
his eyes swept his clean, usable kitchen. How could he bring up the subject of Blake's need to use the rental kitchen?
    "Michael?" It was Claire's voice this time.
    He snapped back to the present. "I'm sorry. I learned that my neighbor's kitchen is totally destroyed by an accidental fire. It'll be out of commission for a couple of months, at least. He had an interesting proposition for me—and possibly for you. "Michael leaned back with his hands resting against the counter. "Blake wants to use this kitchen while his is being rebuilt. He would pay part of the rent." Michael looked directly at Claire. "Would it be something you'd consider?"
    A smile tugged at the corners of Claire's lips. "I don't see a problem, unless he cooks at weird hours."
    Michael turned and caught Nancy's eye. "What do you think?"
    "Well, since I'm not the one renting with Claire, I'll need to get back to you on that."
    "Sure." Michael's pulse quickened. "Who will be renting the house with Claire?"
    "Oh." Nancy chuckled. "I didn't mean to alarm you. But since I haven't spoken with my sister yet, I'd like to talk with her first. I'll most likely make the security deposit when we hand in the application, so you won't need to worry about that."
    Michael liked this woman already. Any form of payment right now would be great. He wanted to make it official. Then he could relax. He'd have the money he needed to make a few payments of his own for Julia's wedding.
    "Here's my card, call me when you're ready. I plan to keep showing the house until I have an application and cleared credit check on hand. I told Blake he could cook here anytime until renters move in. But after that, he'll have to work out the details."
    Nancy nodded. "We understand."
    Michael grabbed his briefcase. "Thanks, ladies. Unless you have any more questions, I need to head back to the office."
    "Only one." Claire's voice wavered. "You were at my mom's funeral—Emily James, right?"
    Michael could swear someone had socked him in the gut.
    Claire folded her arms across her chest. "How did you know her?"

    C laire shifted from one foot to the other as she anticipated Michael's response. Her question seemed to catch him off guard. Surprise showed in his eyes in the moment his gaze shifted away.
    "Oh, Emily and I go way back. Your mom was a good woman."
    A completely unsatisfying answer. Was he hiding something? Could Michael have written the letter? "How far back?"
    Michael's laugh sounded forced. "A long time." Was he blushing? The lighting was dim in the house, but Claire could swear Michael looked a little warm under the collar. "We lost touch, then a mutual friend called to tell me she passed from cancer." Michael dropped his briefcase to the floor and brought his hands to his hips. "I'm sorry for your loss. How have you been? And from your interest in the house, you must be serious about relocating."
    Smooth. He wanted to change the subject. Why? "Yeah. I've decided to give Capitola a try." She glanced at Nancy. "And with Nancy's help, it looks like I might be able to do that."
    "Great. Like I said—get that application to me as soon as possible. I'll run a credit check, and then the place will be yours." Michael's shoulders visibly relaxed. He reached for the door handle. "After you, ladies."
    Claire walked through the doorway. Was Michael telling her the whole truth? Whether he was or not, soon she'd be living in her own place—her first home. Of course, she'd need a roommate. And hopefully Nancy's sister would be just that person.
    "Do you ladies need a lift?" Michael gestured toward his black BMW.
    "Oh, no. Thank you. Nancy's car is around the corner. "Claire pointed.
    "We couldn't get any closer with the fire truck and people blocking the street," Nancy added.
    "I see." A smile crossed Michael's lips. "I'll be waiting for your application. If you change your mind, please call." He opened his car door and slid behind the wheel.
    "We'll bring it by tomorrow," Nancy

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