Bending Over Backwards

Free Bending Over Backwards by Samantha Hunter

Book: Bending Over Backwards by Samantha Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Hunter
    Dropping his phone, he ran out toward her, lunging forward and wrapping her in his arms to make sure she was okay.
    “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
    “Leo.” She paused. “Leo. You’re shaking. Are you okay?”
    He stepped back, nodding. “I’m sorry. I saw the studio. I heard someone on the street say something about a woman who was in the hospital, and they weren’t sure if she would make it, and I freaked. I guess it triggered some stuff from the shooting.” He shook his head. “That’s not important. What’s important is that you’re okay.”
    She smiled shakily. “Well, that’s probably a matter of opinion. I haven’t felt very okay today. I held it together for the paperwork, the necessary stuff, but I feel hollowed out. I needed to walk. I ended up here. But no one was in the hospital. The vandalism happened in the middle of the night. There was only property damage. No one was hurt, thank God.”
    “It must have been a random comment, and I just assumed it was related.”
    I thought it was you , he added silently, his tension releasing now that she was here. “How bad is it?”
    “Pretty bad. It will take weeks to set everything back to rights, maybe longer if I can’t get the money together or find contractors that quickly. It’s a busy season, and I don’t know how long it will take for the insurance money to come through.”
    “Is there some other way to meet your classes?” he asked, slinging an arm around her shoulders as they walked back to the beach house.
    “I can keep my morning sessions on the beach, and a friend offered some time at her studio, which was more than generous, but her place is a long drive and a lot of my clients won’t be able to meet there. And I’ll lose all the summer-vacation business, for sure.”
    Leo knew this was devastating to her, but he also knew that what she needed most was not to dwell.
    “Have you eaten?” He noticed the time, and he was a bit foggy himself after three beers and no food.
    “I had a light lunch, but I wasn’t really hungry.”
    “You know what? Neal has a grill up on the deck that’s begging to be used. Let me walk down to the store and get some steaks, and we’ll cook out, watch the sun set. Relax and talk. Sound good?”
    “Sounds like heaven.” She let her head drop back for a moment with a sigh. Leo’s pulse picked up as he admired the graceful line of her throat, but he looked away, focused on his task to distract and relax her.
    “Okay, I’ll be back in a few minutes. It’s only about a ten-minute walk.”
    “I’ll come with you,” she said quickly. “I don’t think I really want to sit here alone. Better to have something to do.”
    She was probably right. He nodded and held out his hand, which she took.
    Less than an hour later, they were back, standing on the deck and laughing over some silly YouTube video Leo had found on his phone. Jasmine was almost in tears as she laughed, watching the little cat and its antics on the screen. He counted that as a huge success, considering the day.
    “You’ve never watched animal videos online? It’s a well-worn tradition of online life.”
    “I don’t have much of a life, an online one, I mean. I maintain my website and answer any questions that come in on my FAQ or boards. But other than that, I don’t really have time for that kind of thing.”
    “And see what you’ve missed?” he said with a grin, grabbing the steaks from the grill.
    They walked into the house where they fixed their plates. Before heading back out to the deck, they each grabbed a beer as well.
    “These steaks are huge. I know I shouldn’t crave red meat, but I do, especially when I’m tired or stressed. My diet really is a disaster for a yogi. I should set a better example for my clients.”
    “You’re strong and healthy, so that’s what matters. Do all yogis have to eat tofu and bean sprouts?”
    She chuckled. “No, to each their own, but I try to maintain as much of a

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