Avenging Home

Free Avenging Home by Angery American

Book: Avenging Home by Angery American Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angery American
Hanging with these military guys and a young, healthy teenager made me feel like shit. While I was in better shape now than before the Day, I still couldn’t stick with them. Doc left me in his wake.
    As I came up on the porch, Jamie was laid out in front of the door. The dress that was so pretty before was now covered in blood and pulled up onto her chest. Doc was looking at a dressing covering a wound in her abdomen.
    “Did it exit?” Doc asked.
    “I don’t know,” Jamie replied.
    “We didn’t even look,” Jess said.
    “I’m gonna roll you over and take a look. It’s going to hurt.” Jamie gritted her teeth and nodded. Doc gave instructions to Jess and Fred on how to roll her onto her side. Working together, they gently rolled her to her side. Jamie let out a yelp, and Doc quickly ran a hand along her back and looked. It was smeared with blood.
    “Looks like it went through. We need to get another dressing on it,” Doc said as he started digging through his bag. Finding the bandage, he and the girls applied another dressing to the exit.
    “I’m starting to get cold,” Jamie said.
    “I know. Just hang in there for another minute and we’ll get you fixed up,” Doc quickly said. Looking at Fred, he said, “Get some blankets.”
    Fred gabbed blankets from the girls’ beds and brought them back. They wrapped Jamie up and moved her into the living room. Doc took a space blanket from his bag and unfolded it, laying it out on the sofa. Then he had the girls help him get Jamie laid out on it. They elevated her feet with some pillows, and she started to feel a little better. Doc then started an IV, giving her a precious supply of fluid.
    “We need to get to town,” Doc said.
    “There’s no way we can go tonight,” I said.
    “Will she be alright until morning?” Jess asked.
    “I can hear you,” Jaimie moaned.
    “Yeah. She can make it until morning, but we need to leave as early as possible.”
    Seeing that Jamie was taken care of, I went to Mel. She was sitting on the edge of Little Bit’s bed with her. A faint glow from the lantern in the living room barely lit the space. I sat down on the side of the bed and wrapped my arm around them.
    “You guys alright?” I asked.
    Mel nodded. “Yeah. We’re fine. She’s just scared.
    Little Bit peaked at me. “They came into the house.”
    I was thunderstruck. “What?”
    “They came in through the sliding glass door. Didn’t you see it?” Mel asked.
    I leapt to me feet. “Hell no, I didn’t see it!”
    Mel grabbed my arm. “They’re dead.”
    I looked at her. “They? How many?”
    She held up three fingers but said nothing. I looked out the door, then back to her. “I’ll go check on it.”
    As I was walking out of the bedroom, I heard Sarge’s voice in the living room. Glancing in, I saw him and Thad, and went the other way into the kitchen. There were two bodies on the kitchen floor and another lying just outside the shattered glass door. They were dead alright, and the floor was covered in blood.
    I grabbed one of the bodies by the feet and dragged it out onto the back porch. As I dropped the legs onto the deck, Thad came through the door with the second one.
    “Thanks, man,” I said.
    Thad nodded. “No problem. There’s six more on the road down by Danny’s house.”
    “Six? Holy shit.”
    Thad smiled. “There’s more out back where Dalton set up his little trap. Whatever he put out there, it sure worked. There’s pieces of them hanging in the trees. They’re splattered all over the place.”
    Doing some quick math, I said, “So somewhere between twelve and fifteen of theirs are dead.”
    “And only one wounded on our side,” Thad said.
    “We just got lucky is all. It can’t last forever.”
    “Come on, Morg. We’re doing pretty good. We’re holding our own.”
    “What happened with the six down the road?” I asked.
    “We came running out the gate at Danny’s and ran slap into them. Mike and Ted crashed into them and

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