Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)

Free Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) by K. Renee

Book: Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) by K. Renee Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Renee
to use the room for however long we need, and then closes the door behind him.  
    “Your brother thinks we are going to have sex, huh?” I ask.  
    I feel Jase’s body vibrate with laughter. “You are so fucking cute when you say sex.” He kisses my neck, and I can’t help but move so he has better access.  
    His lips release my neck, and he shakes his head before laying it down next to me. He stops because he doesn’t want to pressure me, or maybe it’s because he doesn’t want blue balls, or whatever he said earlier this morning.  
    I bury my face into his neck, and I feel him take a deep breath. “Did you just sniff me?” I ask pulling away from him to look him in the eyes.  
    “No idea what you’re talking about sugar.” The smirk on his face tells a different story, but I don’t say anything else.  
    I shake my head, and place it back in his neck. His hands run up and down my back until I fall asleep.  

    A few hours later, I wake up alone, and unsure of where I am until all the memories of Saxton come crashing back. My breathing starts to pick up, and I feel like I can’t breathe. Gasping, I try to think of the things that calm me down, but nothing is working. The door opens and Jase rushes in the room.  
    His eyes are on me and he grabs my face and tells me to breathe. “Take deep breaths sugar. I’m right here. You’re okay, I promise.” I nod my head, and take long deep breaths, until I can finally breathe somewhat normal again.  
    “Sorry,” I croak out when I can finally breathe again.
    “You’re okay,” he whispers, pulling me to his chest. I sigh and sink into his embrace. The glass he had in his hand is now sitting on the dresser, and he gets up to grab it.  
    “Here take a sip,” he hands me the cup, and I can smell the whiskey in it.  
    I shake my head no, and push it away, but he doesn’t let me. “No, trust me. It will help. Just a little sip it won’t kill you,” he laughs and holds the glass out in front of me.  
    Giving in, I take the smallest sip I can, and it burns as it goes down. I make a few faces, and he just laughs.
    He takes the cup from me, and takes a swig like its water. Just watching him do that makes my stomach twist and burn.  
    He sits back on the bed, and motions for me to come and lie down next to him. Crawling over to him, I lay my head on his stomach, and he runs his fingers through my hair until I fall back asleep.

Chapter Twelve  

    Saxton has more balls than I gave him credit for. He openly came onto Brant’s land without a care in the fucking world to get her. He has no idea who we are, and I’m about to fucking show him, if he gets near her again.
    Taking a sip of the whiskey I got in Brant’s kitchen, and I run my fingers through Wynter’s hair. One of her hands is gripping my hip, and the other is barely touching my leg.  
    I hear my phone go off, so I reach over to grab it off the nightstand, and read the message.  
    Brantley: Hey fucker, I got something you need to see.
    Sighing, I gently move her off of me and make my way out of the room and into the office a few doors down.
    Opening the door, I see Anslie sitting on his lap, and looking at the screen too. Good to know he doesn’t keep club business away from her. I shake my head; our old man would be pissed if he knew.
    “What’s so fucking important?” I yawn. I didn’t realize how fucking tired I am until now.  
    “Come check this out,” he says motioning to the computer. Walking behind him and Anslie, I see a couple of photos, and a police report. How the fuck did Brant find this shit?
    Reading the report over, I see that Wynter’s fiancé isn’t who she thought he was. He was part of Saxton’s business. Fuck. This shit just gets worse and worse.  
    “Jase, do you think she has any idea that he wasn’t who she thought he was?” Anslie asks with a sad expression. She feels for her, and I like that. Anslie either likes you or she doesn’t, which says a lot

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