Wayward Temptation (Wayward Saints MC Book 6)

Free Wayward Temptation (Wayward Saints MC Book 6) by K. Renee

Book: Wayward Temptation (Wayward Saints MC Book 6) by K. Renee Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Renee
whore, but I don’t even care right now. For these few moments, I know that I’m the only one he’s slept with since he’s been here, and that must mean something right?
    He slides out of me slowly. He pulls my sweats the rest of the way off, before stripping out of his own clothes. Walking over to the bed, I watch him as he undresses, and I can’t help but get horny again.  
    “What?” he finally asks.  
    “Nothing,” I whisper. He looks over at me, and I’m sure it’s written all over my face. I was always a terrible liar, and I’m sure that it hasn’t changed over the years.
    He walks over to where I’m watching him. He leans forward, and traps me against the bed. “There’s something you want to ask, just ask. I’ll be honest with you.” His eyes search mine, and I have to look away for a second, before I can get the nerve to answer him.
    “You’re leaving aren’t you?” He drops most of his weight onto me, and I welcome it. I love the feeling of his body pushing me into the bed. It makes me feel like I finally have something to hold onto.
    “What are you talking about?” he asks. He closes his eyes. He puts his forehead against my chest, and takes a deep breath. “Is that why he was in here?”
    I nod my head slightly, and he shakes his head. “But it’s the truth right?” my voice breaks, and I’m sure he thinks I’m crazy. I can’t help that I’m starting to fall for his asshole self.
    “No. It’s so far from the truth. I have a couple of runs that I have to facilitate while I’m down here. I’ll be here a few more weeks, at least. That’s where I’ve been, setting up the details of the shipments, and shit. Striker knew that,” he shakes his head, and cups my face.  
    “I wouldn’t leave without telling you.” He places a sweet kiss against my lips, and I can feel myself melt into his body.
    “You promise?” I whisper against his lips.  
    “I promise you that.” He rolls us over, and I’m now straddling his naked, and oh so very sexy body.
    He leans forward and brushes the hair out of my face, before claiming my mouth again. “I want to take you somewhere,” he whispers. He nips at my collarbone and my neck, before I say anything in response.  
    “Where?” I ask breathless.
    “It’s a surprise,” he grins like a little kid. Seeing this side to him makes me want to throw caution to the wind, but I know that probably isn’t the best idea. I have no idea how long he will be around for, and I already know that saying goodbye to him will be the worst experience of my life.  
    “I don’t like surprises,” I pout. He pulls me down on his chest, and he runs his fingers through my hair.  
    “You’ll love this one, I promise.” Running my fingers up his sides, I feel at peace. I feel like for the first time in a very long time, I belong – even if it is only for a little while.

Chapter Thirteen

    When I finally drag her sexy ass out of bed, I tell her to dress warm. Once she’s done, I lead her out to my bike. I’ve been dying to ride, and I know the perfect fucking place to take her. It’s been fucking years since we rode out here with our old man. But I think I can find the place pretty easily. Well, at least I hope so.
    Making our way to the highway, I see a few people do a double-take on us. Riding through town takes forever, but as soon as I hit the freeway, we take off towards South Lake Tahoe.  
    Once we finally make it to Tahoe, I park my bike in the parking garage at the Harrah’s Casino, and help her off. Leading her towards the entrance to Heavenly, I see her eyes light up. “What are we doing here?” she asks, looking at the mountains and people milling around.  
    I lead her to the ticket booth, and I get us tickets to ride the gondola up to the top. “You’ve never been here?” I would have thought that she’s been here before, but judging by the look on her face, this is a first for her.
    “No, we never had the money to go places

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