The Chosen

Free The Chosen by K. J. Nessly

Book: The Chosen by K. J. Nessly Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. J. Nessly
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
    None of the adults could deny that while the slavery had done some horrible things to Kathryn, it had kept her in great shape and she had more energy than any ten-year-old should have been allowed. Now that she was getting used to the idea of being freed from slavery, Kathryn was slowly warming to the three adults. Arianna had the strongest foundation in the girl’s feelings and on more than one occasion, Kathryn had fallen asleep in Arianna’s lap while Jasse or Jasmine told a story.
    Yet, despite all of their joint efforts, Kathryn never truly bonded with any of them. As the seasons passed she learned to befriend them and accept their help but she did not fully trust them. Especially not after the demonstration for Guardian Council, a year after her rescue from the Blackwoods, in which it had taken all of Arianna’s cajoling to convince Kathryn to move the water. Jasmine and Jasse learned just how much independence the little girl had claimed when, after listening to Arianna, she bent down and raced her hand through the pool of water before her. In response the water heaped up causing giant ripples and waves to spread out to the edges of the pool spraying some of the Council members with droplets of water. Kathryn had turned back to Jasmine, her eyes saying , I moved the water, happy now?
    Jasse had spent the next few moments trying desperately not to laugh. Even Jasmine, though a little disappointed, was heartened by this show of independence from her. Some of the Council members looked furious, but a quiet motion from Lord Mora prevented any outbursts. Arianna bent down and did some more cajoling and finally Kathryn acquiesced. Her frustration and anger at being forced to use something she obviously hated about herself was taken out on the pool of water.
    Kathryn turned to leave the gathering, but after turning her back she paused. Suddenly, the grand arboretum filled with the distinctive crackling sound of water freezing drawing the attention of everyone as they watched the pool slowly freeze from top to bottom. As the water froze, the temperature increased dramatically as heat left the water and entered the air. Kathryn left the garden without looking back.
    Jasmine stared at the pool in near disbelief.
    “She’s been practicing,” Jasse commented as he tested the firmness of the water with his finger. It was solid all the way through.
    Arianna shook her head. “Not unless she’s been doing it in her sleep. I’ve been with her every waking moment for nearly a year now and she’s never used her gifts.”
    Jasse sent her a look . You can’t be with her all of the time; she’s too good at disappearin g . Another of Kathryn’s seemingly hidden talents. The girl was like a wraith. Disappearing within heartbeats and reappearing just as quickly. He’d lost count of the number of near heart attacks those sudden appearances and departures had caused.
    This seemed to impress the Council, who had found Kathryn’s unheard of display of attitude distasteful, and after only a few moments of debate, informed Jasmine that Kathryn should be sent to school in a month.
    Jasmine protested that a month was not nearly enough time for Kathryn to prepare for such a move, but the Council remained adamant and Jasmine was forced to comply with their demands. When she told the little girl that she would have to leave Jasmine’s house and go to a special school, they all noticed a change immediately. Kathryn became stiff and cold again. Jasmine and Arianna repeatedly told Kathryn that they weren’t sending her away because they didn’t like her or because she had used her gift, which was partly a lie, but because it would help Kathryn as she grew up. It did no good.
    Three days before she was supposed to leave, Jasse found Kathryn curled up on one of the balconies overlooking the waterfall. Her eagle sat next to her, preening.
    “I know you aren’t looking forward to going to school,” he told her quietly as he

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