The Blazing Star

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Book: The Blazing Star by Erin Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Hunter
    â€œI want to go,” the kit pleaded, his eyes wide and anxious. “I know herbs, and maybe I can help.”
    Thunder’s first instinct was to refuse. We don’t want kits distracting us. But then he reminded himself that Pebble Heartwas no ordinary kit. There must be a special reason that he wants to come.
    Thunder glanced at Gray Wing, who gave a nod. He turned back to Pebble Heart. “If Gray Wing thinks it’s a good idea, you can join us.”
    Mouse Ear took the lead as the cats loped in silence across the moor, heading for the forest near the edge of the Twolegplace. Thunder kept an eye on Pebble Heart to make sure that the kit didn’t fall behind.
    He’s so serious, so watchful. Why did he want to come on this trip? I know Gray Wing says he has dreams. . . .
    â€œDo many rogues live on the other side of the Thunderpath, where the Blazing Star grows?” Tall Shadow asked Mouse Ear as they reached the edge of the forest.
    â€œNot many,” Mouse Ear replied. “It’s wet and marshy over there, and few cats enjoy the feeling of mud on their paws . . . not even Mud Paws,” he added with a snort of laughter.
    â€œBut you must have been—” Tall Shadow began, only to break off as a bundle of mangy fur erupted from a pile of dead leaves and brush, hurling itself on top of Thunder, striking out to claw him across the nose.
    â€œI saw it first!” a raspy voice meowed.
    Thunder recoiled, stunned at the speed of the attack, and swiped a paw over his stinging snout. When he recovered he saw One Eye standing in front of him, his tail lashing and his lips drawn back in a snarl. A dead bird lay at his paws.
    â€œWe’re supposed to be at peace!” Thunder snapped, sliding out his claws as he braced himself for another attack. “I didn’teven see your wretched bird!”
    One Eye took a threatening pace forward.
    â€œGet back!” The shrill screech came from Pebble Heart. “Every cat get back!”
    A thrill of fear ran through Thunder at the urgency in the kit’s voice. For the first time he looked closely at the bird and saw that its belly was swollen and some of its feathers were missing. Dried pus crusted the areas of exposed skin.
    â€œStop!” Pebble Heart squealed as One Eye stepped forward, about to sink his teeth into the prey.
    Thunder sprang forward, barreling into the mangy tom, driving him back from the bird. One Eye fought back hard, digging his teeth into Thunder’s neck.
    â€œGet off!” Thunder mewed through gritted teeth. “I’m trying to save your miserable pelt!” He flung One Eye away, then pinned him down with both forepaws on his chest. The tom glared up at him with hatred in his one eye.
    At last Tall Shadow realized what had frightened Pebble Heart. “The bird is sick!” she yowled. “Every cat stay away!”
    While she was speaking, the undergrowth parted a few fox-lengths away, and Clear Sky appeared, followed by Petal and the two kits, Birch and Alder. “One Eye, what’s going on here?” he asked with a rapid glance around at the other cats.
    Thunder stepped back, allowing One Eye to get up, seeing recognition and then fear creep into his eye as he surveyed the dead bird. “Nothing,” the rogue muttered, not meeting Clear Sky’s gaze.
    I’m not letting him get away with that! Thunder thought. Clearinghis throat, he dipped his head toward his father. “Actually,” he began, “One Eye attacked me for getting too close to his kill. I fought him off because the bird is sick. Whatever he says, I was trying to help.”
    Clear Sky narrowed his eyes. “Sick?”
    â€œYes, it—” Thunder broke off as the two kits bounded forward and peered curiously at the bird. “No!” he went on sharply, pushing them away with a gentle paw. “Stay back.”
    But Birch dodged around him, stretched out his

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