The Blazing Star

Free The Blazing Star by Erin Hunter

Book: The Blazing Star by Erin Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Hunter
fine, as long as we can work this out.
    â€œWe found the Blazing Star growing on the other side of the Thunderpath,” Mouse Ear told the others.
    â€œYou mean we’ve got to cross it?” Shattered Ice asked doubtfully. “I don’t like the sound of that.”
    Gray Wing didn’t like it, either, remembering the problems they had experienced on their journey, including the death of Shaded Moss under the paws of a monster.
    â€œWe used to go across all the time,” Mud Paws mewed reassuringly. “It’s not dangerous if you know how.”
    â€œI think we should give it a try,” Tall Shadow decided. “I’m willing to lead a patrol over there and bring some of the plant back.”
    Renewed excitement stirred among the cats now that they had a plan. But Gray Wing saw that Jagged Peak was still looking hurt. A brief pang of guilt clawed at him: he hadn’t allowed Jagged Peak to express his idea.
    I still treat him like the careless kit I left the mountains to chase, hethought. Maybe I need to start taking him more seriously.
    Holly leaned toward Jagged Peak and whispered something in his ear. Jagged Peak’s eyes widened and he let out a mrrow of laughter.
    Holly managed to cheer him up, Gray Wing thought, impressed in spite of himself. She’s good for Jagged Peak; there’s no denying it. I just hope she doesn’t push him too far. . . .


    Tall Shadow narrowed her eyes as she glanced up at the sun. “If we go now, we should make it back before nightfall,” she meowed.
    The days are getting shorter. Thunder’s pads prickled with dread. And the nights are getting colder. Soon leaf-bare will be upon us.
    But he pushed the thought away. Around him, his denmates were like a nest of bees, buzzing with curiosity.
    â€œCome on!” Dappled Pelt meowed eagerly. “We’ve got to find this plant right away.”
    â€œYes, I’m sure it’s the answer!” Gorse Fur agreed.
    Cloud Spots nodded thoughtfully. “It might even protect us against the sickness.”
    â€œOkay, let’s go.” Tall Shadow beckoned Mud Paws, Holly, and Mouse Ear with a wave of her tail.
    Thunder followed them as they climbed the slope out of the hollow, and realized that most of his denmates were crowding after him. Tall Shadow halted and turned to face them.
    â€œWait a moment.” Her voice was frustrated and her tail-tip twitched. “Not every cat can come. We can’t leave the camp unprotected, can we? And how many cats does it take to pick a flower?”
    â€œWhy can’t we come?” Shattered Ice asked.
    Immediately arguments started to break out, some cats agreeing with Tall Shadow that only a small patrol was needed, while others were insisting on their right to join in.
    â€œThat’s enough!” Thunder meowed, stepping forward. “I’ll go with Tall Shadow,” he continued decisively. “And we’ll need at least one of our new members to show us the way.”
    Holly, Mud Paws, and Mouse Ear glanced at one another. “I don’t mind staying,” Holly murmured.
    â€œOkay, I’ll go,” Mouse Ear offered.
    â€œPerhaps I should go, too,” Gray Wing added, padding up to Thunder’s side.
    Thunder turned to his kin, noticing the signs of strain and weariness in the older cat’s face. “No, you stay and rest,” he meowed. “It’s been a long day, and you’re not really needed for this.” He saw sadness flash into Gray Wing’s eyes, and quickly added, “Besides, a reliable cat should be left in charge of the camp—a cat we can all trust.”
    Gray Wing looked unconvinced, but dipped his head in agreement. “Very well,” he mewed, turning away before Thunder could say any more.
    Realizing there was no more he could do to reassure Gray Wing, Thunder headed after Tall Shadow, only to find Pebble Heart blocking his

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