3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)

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Book: 3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything) by Charlene Hartnady Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlene Hartnady
side. Just for tonight.” Rushe turned
towards her, his eyes were pleading.
will find somewhere else to stay in the morning. I am sure Rushe would not
approve of me living under your roof.”
growled and Ross chuckled.
She huffed. “But only for one night. After that, you’re both out.”
have to go back to my pack, Ward will be expecting me. I should actually go
back today but I won’t leave you.” He turned to face her, putting a big hand on
her thigh, he squeezed. Shivers raced up and down her entire body as the warmth
from his hand seeped into her flesh. “I have to leave tomorrow”—he looked at Ross—“but
know that I will be back very soon.”
smiled as they pulled up at her apartment. “You had better be, wolf. The more
time I spend with Becky, the more chance I have of winning her.”
rolled her eyes, moving to a sitting position. Grateful when neither of them
pushed her back down. It was short lived though because Ross got out, then
opened the door and reached in so that he could pick her up. A woman jogger
almost ran into a garbage container gawking at the big non-humans. The jogger
turned to stare, a look of longing mixed with awe on her face as Ross pulled
Becky closer, nuzzling into her neck for a few beats.
can walk you know?” Becky said as she circled his neck with her hands. “You’re just
lucky I don’t feel like it right now.”
made a low growl that had her insides turning to jello.
carried her purse, he walked ahead of them. He moved in big graceful strides
and seemed to be checking that the path ahead was clear, stopping every so
often to scent their surroundings. When they reached her door, he rummaged
through her purse and pulled out the keys and quickly let them into the
felt her cheeks heat as she looked around taking in the chaos. After Rushe had
left earlier, she had been in a state of panic. There were clothes strewn
everywhere. Her half-eaten salad was still on the dining room table from the
night before.
Ross had left, she had said goodbye to Elisabeth and had crawled into bed.
Rushe’s banging had woken her this morning. Since she hadn’t had time to clean,
the place was a bit of a mess.
carried her into her bedroom. Rushe growled loudly as they entered, his head
was turned up, his nostrils flared. Oh god! Her cheeks heated at the knowledge
of what he was smelling.
over it,” Ross growled.
sorry, I’ll change the sheets,” she blurted.
shook his head. “I’ll deal.” He still looked agitated. His entire frame was
tense, his neck muscles roped. Even his jaw was clenched and his eyes were
glowing softly. He looked really beautiful when he was pissed. Who was she
kidding? He looked seriously handsome no matter what.
gently placed her on her bed, ignoring Rushe’s obvious discomfort. He pulled
the covers up over her, gently sweeping the hair from her face. His eyes were
filled with concern. “I’m really sorry this happened to you. Brant made it
clear that Titan will be punished, but know that I will make good on my promise
to hurt him. I will most likely end up killing him for his actions today. That
male had better show serious remorse because he cannot be allowed to do
something like that ever again.”
gasped. “No. I’ve caused enough trouble for you already. You’ve already been
disowned by your coven. Don’t go after that dickhead. He’s not worth it.” She
took a deep breath. “I told you, I’m over it.”
bed dipped as Rushe sat down next to her on the other side of Ross. He ran his
hand up and down her arm. “No, you are not over it. You can keep telling
yourself that but I can see that it isn’t true. Know that we are here for you
in every way. You don’t have to keep this inside. You don’t have to pretend
with us.” He pulled the covers further up, tucking them in just below her arms
and again resumed his rubbing

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