3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything)

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Book: 3#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (Their Everything) by Charlene Hartnady Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlene Hartnady
and stroking of her arm. She looked from one male
to the other. Both had set aside their differences for her. Both wanted her.
Suddenly, and for some unknown reason, emotion welled inside her. She couldn’t
exactly say why.
it all that had happened today? Or simply Rushe’s words of encouragement to
open up and not pretend she was strong. The truth was, she wasn’t. Her lip
wobbled so she bit down on it. When her eyes filled with tears she blinked
several times not wanting to cry. Yet, no matter how hard she tried, she could
not stop the tears from falling.
it. Let it at all out, sweetheart. We are here.” Ross’ voice was gravelly.
glanced up through her veil of tears, noticing how Rushe swallowed thickly. It
made her even sadder to see how her tears were affecting these two warriors.
was terrible, she was allowing herself to fall for them. Both of them .
It couldn’t get much worse.
just the pad of his thumb, Rushe wiped away the hot drops as they cascaded down
her cheeks. He leaned in and hugged her, pulling her against his hard body. God
it felt good. Too freaking good.
growled softly. It was a sound that she had come to recognize as frustration. “Move
obeyed by moving back, pulling her along with him. Becky was still crying
softly, unable to stop. It had been a very long time since someone had cared
this much about her. Ross’ big body flanked her front side. He slid his arm
around her waist.
is only normal for you to feel this way.” Rushe’s hot breath fanned the back of
her neck as he spoke. He still gently caressed her arm, his big body pressed up
flush behind her.
don’t think I’m crying because of what happened earlier.” She sniffed, wiping
away more tears as they fell. She shouldn’t be telling them this.
are you crying then?” Ross asked.
cracked open her lids, his dark fathomless eyes stared back at her. They
softened as their gazes locked. Rushe seemed to hold his breath behind her.
just been so long,” she stammered. “You know what? Forget I said anything. I
have a big mouth.”
have a lush, delectable mouth perfect for many things that I would prefer not
to discuss right now. Too big…no”—he shook his head—“the term I would use for
describing your lips is fucking perfect.” His eyes dropped to her mouth for a
second and his gaze heated.
females are highly emotional. It is important to talk about your feelings often
and it’s very important that the male in your life listens.” Rushe gave Ross a
hard look.
couldn’t help but to giggle. “Did you read that in the cosmo?” She asked
through her tears.
felt him shift behind her. “Only the part about human females being emotional
and needing to talk often. The rest is kind of obvious.”
was freaking perfect since guys didn’t normally feel the need to listen much.
a long pause. With only her sniffs and soft whimpers to break the silence, Ross
eventually spoke. “Cosmo?” He grinned and shook his head. “I will forget I
heard that.” He paused for a beat. “Speak to us, sweetheart. I am also a very
good listener.” Ross smirked at Rushe.
had to suppress a groan. They were both seriously irritating but somehow also
seriously, freaking perfect. “It’s been a very long time since someone cared so
much about me. Aside from Tanya that is. It’s been really hard since she left
Sweetwater.” She hardly saw her best friend anymore.
about the males you were with before?” Rushe growled, sounding angry. His body
tensed up. “Surely they cherished you? Listened when you needed them to?”
had to giggle. “Not really, but that’s not what I mean. This is the first time
that anyone besides my nanny and sometimes my parents tucked me in and it’s
been many, many years since that happened. I was probably only five or six the
last time my parents came to say good night and

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