Curse of the Forbidden Book
enough!” he whispered.
    â€œHow is that possible?” Silas demanded. “I thought you were a prince!”
    â€œSilas,” Parvel scolded. “I’m sure he wasn’t planning on buying four slaves.”
    â€œWe can buy Rae back later,” Jesse said, trying to calm Silas. “Once this misunderstanding is cleared up….”
    â€œYou don’t understand,” Silas said flatly. The bid was up to twenty-eight sceptres. “In District Two, rich merchants often have more than one wife. They especially prefer beautiful slave girls.”
    â€œWhat?” Jesse sputtered. “You don’t mean that Rae….”
    One of the men with a ridiculous feathered hat called out, “Thirty-two sceptres!” He was so fat that he had jowls instead of a chin. And Rae might have to marry him?
    â€œForty sceptres.” This bid was from a Patrol member. Bright against the standard dark blue Patrol uniform was a red armband. Jesse had never seen one before. Perhaps it means he’s an officer of some kind . The thought was not comforting. Patrol members were known for being cruel, and their leaders even more so.
    No one raised the bid any higher, though the shrew man tried to bring it up. “Sold!” he declared. The fat man practically had to wrestle Rae to get her to come down from the platform. Although she kept her head high, Jesse saw a flicker of fear in her eyes as she passed them.
    â€œI’ll die before I let him take her away,” Silas said, and though there was little emotion in his voice, Jesse believed him.
    â€œI will speak to him,” Prince Corin said, putting his hand on Silas’ shoulder to hold him back. “Perhaps my influence will count for something. He may be reasonable.”
    â€œIt’s clear that you’re a stranger here,” Silas said. “Reasonable is not a good word to describe most Patrol, especially the palace guards.”
    So that was what the red armband means.
    Prince Corin was not going to be discouraged. “Just the same, I can try.”
    â€œCouldn’t you kick him like you did that thief?” Jesse blurted out. Prince Corin gave him a withering look. “It was just an idea.”
    But when Prince Corin returned, Rae was not with him. “He will not give her up,” he said, shaking his head. “Not for any amount of money. He said that Lady Taralyn needs a new maid. Her last one was dismissed from service yesterday.”
    In spite of himself, Jesse breathed a sigh of relief. “Then she’s not going to be married to anyone?”
    The next question was obvious. “Who is Lady Taralyn?”
    â€œGovernor Elias’ daughter,” Silas replied, looking grim. “Which means that she’s one of the richest, most powerful women in District Two. If she wants Rae as a servant, she will get her.”
    â€œI am sorry about your friend,” Prince Corin said.
    A rich, powerful prince apologizing to his slaves. Jesse almost laughed at the ridiculous situation.
    â€œNo,” Parvel said. “You did what you could. And we are grateful.”
    Now what? Jesse wondered. He was already hot, standing in the middle of the crowd in the bright spring sun, and his head was beginning to ache from the noise.
    â€œNow I must return to the governor’s palace. You are free to go,” Prince Corin said. “My debt is paid.”
    Jesse expected Parvel or Silas to lead them away, perhaps to find Roddy and think of a way to rescue Rae. Instead, Parvel stayed firmly where he was, staring off into the distance with a thoughtful look on his face.
    â€œPrince Corin,” Parvel said slowly, “where did you say you’re going, again?”
    â€œThe palace.”
    Jesse exchanged a glance with Parvel. Exactly where we need to go . “Could we speak to each other for a few moments…alone?” Parvel asked.
    â€œCertainly.” Prince

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