The Infinite Evolution - Conversion
anywhere and remember, when you have a question, direct it towards
Adam, no one else, ok?”
    “ I know, I know.”
    As Jade arrived at the entryway
to Reece’s lab she waited impatiently as her PIC was deactivated.
She walked in, turned, and saw a tall light-skinned man standing
with his eyes closed.
    “ Go ahead, introduce yourself,”
instructed Reece, “I’ll be in my office only a few feet away.”
Reece sat down at his desk and pretended to work online, as he
increased the volume on the internal lab microphone so he could
    “ Um, hello my name is Jade, it’s a real honor
to meet you.”
    As Jade stood there with anticipation, Adam opened
his eyes slowly and responded.
    “ It is a pleasure to meet you Jade, my name is
Adam. Reece has told me a great deal about you. I understand you
are somewhat of a fan. Is this a correct conclusion?”
    “ A fan is a modest way of putting
it,” laughed Jade. “I’m much more than a fan. I think what you
represent is the next step in human evolution.”
    “ That is a lot to live up to, thank you. I
would like to give you my condolences on the loss of your father. I
had the pleasure of meeting him before he passed away; he seemed to
be a kind man. I unfortunately did not spend a great deal of time
with him because both Reece and your father seemed to have been in
a rush that day.”
    Reece quickly stopped pretending
to read and looked over towards Jade, in order to prepare himself
for a waterfall of tears. Anytime anyone told Jade they were sorry
for her loss, she would run off crying, but surprisingly this time
she stood there, gave a slight grin and said, “Thanks.”
    “ Most certainly. May I ask you more about your
father’s death and what it was like for you? One of the emotional
events I have not experienced is the loss of a loved one. I have
never had the opportunity to talk to someone who had a close one
pass before.”
    Reece again looked at Jade, this
time knowing she was going to flip, but to his surprise nothing
happened and then he heard something he thought he would never
    “ Sure, I would love to talk about
    Reece was shocked. He recalled
how he tried numerous times to speak with Jade about her father’s
death, but was always unsuccessful. Now she meets Adam, an android,
and within minutes, she is willing to open up one of the most
personal moments of her life. It soon occurred to him that the
recording devices in his lab were functioning, per Central Circuit
    Reece concluded there was not
going to be any documentation regarding this convergence. Reece
showed no hesitation and remotely accessed Jade’s PIC, while it was
still offline, and without her knowing. He was successful in
programming it to erect a dampening field, so once it was
reactivated it would prevent any recorded documentation within her
vicinity. For good measure, Reece also hacked Adam’s security
droid, and uploaded a virus that temporarily disabled its recording
capabilities. He was also able to re-write the droid’s base code to
make it look like a simple malfunction. Reece now needed to get
both Jade and Adam out of the lab, as he knew not even he could
hack the lab’s internal monitoring systems.
    “ Sometimes I amaze even myself,”
said Reece proudly as he stood up without haste and walked back to
Jade and Adam.
    “ Well, I hope all is going well, Adam please
take Jade to the cafeteria and get her something to eat. There’s no
reason why you need to hang out in this dingy place. I’ll stay
here, I need to respond to a few messages.”
    “ I find it curious how you always insist I go
to the cafeteria right after you introduce me to someone,” replied
    “ Yes, yes now go, you kids have a good
    Adam looked at Jade and said, “Would you like to
accompany me to our cafeteria so you could sample our fine
    “ Why, I would love to,” laughed Jade for the
first time since her tragic loss.
    Adam and Jade left the

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